Ever wonder who gets our money every time we fill up our gas tanks? Saudi Arabia, for the record. Dubai has so much money from foreign gas profits that they are now building ski resorts in the middle of their 140 degree deserts...indoor ski resorts that is...with synthetic snow. Oh wait...and The Palm Islands. I mean that's great that they can afford that...but...we're paying for it.
Right now...America imports 65% of the nation's needed petroleum...which costs more than $55.1 billion a year. They could exceed 80% import costs by 2010.
I think we should be drilling for oil in America, particularly in Alaska. Beneath the North Slope of Alaska there is estimated to be btwn 3-9 billion barrels of recoverable oil. This area of interest (1.5 million acres) is part of the 19 million acre American National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Environmentalists argue that by drilling in this portion of ANWR...oh ****...we might kill a Caribou. However, the Central Arctic Herd, which calves in the Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk oil fields, has increased from 3,000 caribous to more than 23,400 caribous over four decades of development, which shows that development and caribou CAN coexist...
More than 75% of native Alaskans support production along the Coastal Plain for ANWR.
What are your opinions on the topic?
P.S. If you want to blame Bush for gas prices, keep in mind that he is pressing for drilling in America, which would save us the cost of foreign oil, and also keep in mind that Obama is in support of a new gasoline taxes, which will only make gas more expensive in the long run.