
Should we elect Obama's speech writer since all he does is read the teleprompter and words written for him?

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Obama an empty suit and a puppet of the speech writer?




  1. I'd like to know who he/they are. obama is nothing without them. Ever see him talk without s script? He blabbers and runs his mouth. Where do you think we got the "bitter" quote.

  2. I can't verify my information but my understanding is that Obama does a lot of his own speech writing.  Obama shortcomings are  bad enough that we do not need to make things up about him.

  3. Pretty much all presidents/presidential candidates ever have had people write their speeches for them. I'm sure McCain doesn't write his own speeches. So Obama not writing his own speeches is a ridiculous reason not to vote for him.  

  4. Yes we should elect his speech writer...since he is his speech writer I agree with you!

    on a non sarcastic side note, you are an idiot if you think presidents and candidates right all of there speeches. Bush doesnt write his and he still babbles like a idiot.  

  5. Why not?

    I bet his speech writer has more experience than Obama anyway....

  6. Yes, that sounds logical.  

  7. Yes, that would be better than electing him!

  8. Angry because your guy's speeches puts people to sleep?  Or are you just used to a President that makes up words as he goes (Bush)?

  9. lol ah you believing he is the first politician with speech writers is amusing

  10. Yes, yes we should definitely elect Obama's speech writer, because that person is none other than the man himself.

  11. We need to all vote for Obama so this way the Kremlin will approve

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