
Should we end the war on drugs?

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Should we end the war on drugs?




  1. There really is no war on drugs, at least not the drugs doing the damage. Most every major bust I hear about is marijuana which is mostly domestic and far less harmful than alcohol. Cocaine is still everywhere and as cheap as it was in the 1980's. Our government is resistant to any endeavor that does not profit them and I am inclined to believe the theory that they are involved in the import of cocaine, they run numbers games (lotto) and wars for profit (Iraq, Afghanistan).

    Drugs were in my Junior High in the 70's and are still there today along with firearms. Most addicts got there start in schools and treatment programs are scarce at best, but we have plenty of prisons that cost a minimum of $70,000 per year per occupant. A monitored shelter with treatment and occupational training would cost much less.

    Better question: Should we end the war on our kids?

  2. Yes, legalize them. Let the bums OD if they want. I mean people get addicted to alcohol and they do the same things a crackhead would do to get their next fix. So saying these people would run rampant and destroy the world is false. With proper regulations and rules it can be done. Drugs cannot be defeated, we need to just contain them the best we can.

  3. Yes.

    Focus on the problem like we focus on alchohol and cigarretes... on a personal level.

    Letting the government run our lives does not make us virtuous, it wastes our money, causes enhanced criminal activity by creating an underground black market, and makes individuals accountable to the government instead of themselves, their family/freinds, and God (if you believe in him/her).

    Yes drugs are bad... so are alot of things we do. But we need to put real criminals in jail (you know the ones who hurt others or their property) and let non-violent offenders go to rehab.

    BTW: everyone should be held accountable for everything they do under the influence of anything they choose to take.

  4. no - drugs kill people

  5. The war on drugs is a waste of time until we go after the users as much as the pushers.

    Drug users should not use treatment to get out of jail time. users and pushers should be put in camp jails in Arizona, forced to wear pink everything and humiliate them.  Drugs destroy lives and until people realize that then the war on drugs is a waste of time unfortunately.

  6. No but it needs an overhaul.  Currently the war attacks the supply side of the market. There is still a very high demand. So the demand is still there and the market is offset so much that the reward in terms of money out weighs the risk of going to jail.

    If the war goes after the demand side, then the profit goes away.  We need more treatment programs. Drug felons should not go to prison. They need to go to rehab. So when they get out, they have to tools to stay off drugs and the ability to reach out to their friends. After a few years of sending millions of people to rehab, rather than prison, will dramatically reduce the demand which would lead to a surplus of supply that would even out the risk rewards. If less people are using drugs then less people will be selling them. It simple economics.

  7. Yep, take the drugs out of the hands of Criminals and put them on the shelves next to the booze and tobacco, Tax the heck out of them and use that money to educate the people about drugs.

    education is the best way to prevention.

  8. Yes.

  9. Yes, by jailing all dealers for life.

    and by penalizing users heavily with fines and jail time..

    A real blitz on users and dealers is in order.

    We should have a drug abusers list just as we have a s*x offenders list. That way I can check and see if any applicants to my company have drug histories.

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