
Should we fear ignorance more than death?

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Should we fear ignorance more than death?




  1. Ignorance can lead to death. Though ignorance can be cured (to a cetain degree) and death has no cure. Ignorance can be a bliss sometimes because somethings are better left unsaid.

  2. Yes. Ignorance can bring millions of people torture for simply looking different or being different. But death harms no one, since it is simply a part of the great scheme of life.  

  3. you don't fear the darkness you just fear whats hidden within

  4. I don't know about you, but i'm scared to death of death.  Ignorance, on the other hand...I can ignore

  5. lets be fearless instead.

  6. I fear neither. If I am ignorant of something I will want to educate myself about it and that doesn't create fear in me just excitement that I will expand my intellegence. Death is a part of life and I know it is only a matter of time. Now pain, I fear pain.

    It has been said that "ignorance is bliss" so if one is ignorant of ignorance, then they could not be afraid of something they do not know, right? Ignorance is only the fact that one is without knowledge. Fear of the unknown can be unbearable to many. Death is also feared by many but only because they fear something that is unknown. So it takes us back to ignorance, one can fear it but once they are enlightened by education and truth then they can't be frightened of it. Or can they be afraid once they know the truth?  

  7. sure, ignorance is worse but hear i don't know about that. but i do know that death is a part of life, to be scared of death is like being scared to breathe. you know it is going to happen so why worry about it all that much. and just like breathing you don't have to try to do it it just happens when it is supposed to.

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