
Should we focus on how to receive vs what to receive out of life?

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Ok, we all want to receive something out of life - money, power, honor, fame, s*x, or recognition. And if were honest, its completely for our own sake and enjoyment. Meaning we don't want money or power to help make the world better, but instead we want it to help make Our better - my house better, my car better, my prestige and image better..But it seems like every time we receive something we always want more, more, and more. Its like a never ending cycle or something. So what if this problem may be with who we receive for versus what we receive? Meaning if we receive for others, instead of ourselves, then the more we receive would ultimately mean the better for humanity, and would eliminate conflicts too. What do you guys think?




  1. I do not agree that we are ALL in it for our selves. There are many people who, do not care about things such as money, power or prestige. These things all contribute to this image that society has created, to what a successful, happy person is. This is not true however. Not everyone goes along for the ride, and wants to be envied by others.( having more money, better on......) I believe that it is important to do well for yourself so that you are in a position, to help others. Myself i do not make the money to donate to charities and such, but i do give back in other ways.

  2. You don't have to look far to see that the greedy people are the ones suffering from emptiness, and the givers are so full of joy they can hardly contain it... or, they at least have a true sense of peace about them. Indeed, it would be much better for humanity if we practiced giving, or receiving for others, rather than being in it strictly for ourselves!  I believe that it goes against the natural order for us to be greedy and self-centered, and that's why we are rarely satisfied with what we get... the gain is lost in the getting, and the reward is lost in the having (if that makes sense). If more people understood this, and lived accordingly, I'm certain it would be a better world to live in.

  3. ...a gift no matter how small or big is one given in respect appreciate the eliminate a conflict...

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