
Should we forgive the old and confused McCain? He meets with reporters at the cheese aisle of a supermarket.?

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Is that the rectitude of a presidential candidate compared to Obama"s ?




  1. while your elitist is sucking up to all the socialist non-voters in Europe, McCain is talking to voters here in America. Many of them do their own grocery shopping. Don't grow old, you won't do it gracefully.

  2. Hm, Obama said he saw dead hero's in the audience , when he gave his memorial day speech.

    So who would you rather have.

    A president who mix's names up from time to time.

    Or a president who sees dead ghost ?

    And talks to them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. obama is in germany acting like he is the messiah. I am voting for mccain not because i like him, but because i can't stand obama.

  4. McCain is trying to do the "working stiff" angle while shopping at the grocery store. I bet if I gave Obama and McCain $100.00 each,they wouldn't know how to buy food to feed a family of four with three meals a day for a week.

    Still I couln't trust a candidate who avoids speaking to our troops overseas.

  5. Senator McCain has chosen to be president of the U.S.A. and not the world like Senator Obama.

  6. McBush is old and confused, he whines because he doesn't get as much media coverage as Obama.  His idea of campaigning is visiting a supermarket, and riding in a golf cart with Papa Bush......that spoke volumes as to the type of president he would be - very sad!

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