
Should we get a check up?

by  |  earlier

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me and my husband are just married and we have just officially decided to have a baby,

i say officially because i have been off contraception for two yrs, we were not trying for a baby but yet two yrs of no contraception no baby!

every time after s*x i used to always go to the toilet!!

but now do u think i should see a doctor or should we just try ourselves for a while first?!?

also any tips would be appreciated

thanks and wish us luck.




  1. yes, go for a check up,your docter will also be able to give you all the hints tips and help that you need.and they'll show you how to find you most fertile days properly.

    all i can say is eat healthy,have regular s*x,try not to drink or smoke and dont breath in any fumes.

    good luck xx

  2. go to the dc to be on the safe side and make sure your both healthy lots and lots of baby dust to you  

  3. If you've been off contraception for 2 years and haven't gotten pregnant (whether you were trying or not), I'd atleast go in and see if there are any problems or anything that can be ruled out. But hopefully everything is fine and it's just not the "right time" yet.  

  4. it wouldn't hurt to get checked. iwas trying for my first for 18months and fell pregnant a week after my check up, two days before the dreaded sperm test my partner was to endure so hold on and think positive good luck

  5. I think you definitely should. 2 years is a long time, even accounting for the fact that you might not have been timing s*x properly. It's always best to have a check up before trying to conceive anyway to check things like your rubella status and your iron levels.

    Aside from that, I would recommend the following things:

    - Both you and your hubby should take a good multivitamin each day. Even small deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can result in fertility problems.

    - Buy some ovulation tests (you can get them cheap off ebay and they are fine) and pinpoint when/if you are ovulating and time s*x accordingly (lots of s*x around the time of ovulation)

    - Don't rush off to the toilet straight after s*x. Lie and cuddle for 20 minutes to give the sperm a better chance. If you want to elevate your hips on a few pillows, you can do that as well.

    Good luck

  6. Hi,

    I would definitely go, always better to be in the know, I went to my doctor and they have done very thorough tests after being off pill for 18 months. I'm now taking clomid to help conceive as I wasn't ovulating. Good luck!!

  7. It can hurt. You don't want to risk something happening to your baby, right. It doesn't cost much and it is very helpful. Good luck!!

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