
Should we get rid of the terms ''Honourable'' & ''Most Honourable when referring to our Members of Parliament

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Perhaps we could use the terms ''Venal'' and ''Most Venal''.




  1. Absolutely!

  2. never mind the terms get rid of the people they are attached to

  3. totally... they are stupid!

  4. Yes!And refer to them as scoundrels!

  5. Get rid of our Members Of Parliament.

  6. These terms are taken from a time when Members were rich and did not get paid....maybe we should go back to that...just employ rich people and not pay least they would have some public spirit and would have made their money in the real world.

  7. For a long time I have felt that there are very few in Parliament who can truly be described as honourable in the true sense of the word. We can't generalise and say that they are all not to be trusted, but I feel that the vast majority of them are there on a gigantic ego trip. They all look the same sitting on the loo with their trousers round their ankles! Just a different newspaper.

  8. yeah, lol, I'm sure when these politicians need to use those words they struggle to hold the laughter in as they all know with most of them its false

  9. The titles Honourable and the Right Honourable, are used in the House of Commons as a matter of good manners and to avoid unecessary misunderstanding.

    This is UK and people should understand that and MP has rank - firstly because he/she has been elected and secondly due to House of Commons privilege.

    A Government minister is referred to as The Right Honourable etc and an ordinary MP may be referred to as the Honourable Member for Stillwater - or wherever.

    And no I do not agree.  Further more it is high time that the Speaker of the House of Commons wore the proper robes for the job.  How dare they take that away.

    The job of Speaker of the House of Commons is a very high and exaulted rank here in UK - In my view the Speaker of the House of Commons out ranks the monarch.  So please, let's dress up shall we???

    In truth the video below is exactly what the British people like and lots of it. . . .pomp and circumstance. . . .

  10. unfortunately, yes.  Maybe "slimy" and "most slimy"

  11. I think we should get rid of the Members of Parliament. Then you don't need terms. But if we have to keep them, your terms work. =]

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