Here's a little back info.....My husband works in an office and the office manager's daughter is getting married. He is not friendly with the office manager, and only just met the daughter (who has been working in the office for the past 6-8 weeks). We already declined attending the wedding, should we still buy a gift?
Oh, and btw, the office manager also invited us to her other daugher's graduation party (we did not attend and did not give a gift....we never met the daughter). and we just attended the office manager's son's engagement party. We bought him a gift and went b/c my husband has been workinig with him for over 2 years.
It just seems to us that the office manager is looking for gifts for her kids. all 3 parties were within an 8 week span of time. and i don't know if this matters or not, but the office manager is the boss's sister. Thanks to everyone for your input.