
Should we give prisoners McDonald food so they would die of "natural" causes?

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It seems like inmates eat prison food for years and never die.




  1. They would be sick before dying ,hence more expenses from the government.They should die healthy.

  2. McDonalds food will not kill you. Eating too much of any food can cause health problems, especially foods high in fat, sodium, and chlorestoral.......Medical expenses would rise increasing the cost of prisons.  Prison food is not that healthy to begin is institution food and that is always high in fats, sodium, so I do not think your experiement would work. As it is now they medical expenses are too great. The inmates need to work more, exercise more, and be fed healthy food.  Some people, obese and otherwise eat fast food and just overeat and never become sick or die quickly....


    Great Answer popsfav

  3. sure... to fill their hunger and to check whether McDo foods really helps them die of 'natural' causes. lol.

  4. starvation is a natural cause of death also, in some places,  lets just stop feeding them all together.

  5. love the question

    answer yes

  6. sounds good but all the health problems before they would die would cost a to much

  7. NO! that would be a treat for most of them.  It has to taste a lot better than what they are getting now.

  8. That would be one h**l of a social experiment.  If they got really obese, they wouldn't be strong or limber enough to commit crimes requiring physical strength or speed.  Their fat would be like a permanent ball and chain around their ankle.

  9. LOL Yes and taco bell for breakfast. They will be done for in no time.

  10. no because it is still the society's moral and legal responsibility to care for them when they are dying.

  11. No, because not all of them would die, nor would they gain weight even.  I have eaten McDonald's several times a week for over 20 years.  I had it every day for lunch at my last job.  Usually a Big Mac and large fry.  I also grew up with a southern cook as my mom.  We had bacon grease it just about everything to flavor it, along with lots of things cooked w/ lard. I have low cholesterol of 140 and I have to work hard not to LOSE to much weight, even with McDonald's that often.  I think high cholesterol and obesity are 99% hereditary.

  12. Absolutely.

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