
Should we give the entire congress the old heave ho?

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or should we continue to support that sanctimonius gaggle of thieves and do-nothing elitists ? Who of you is satisfied with your representation in congress ?




  1. We can dream, can 't we????

    Am I satisfied with my representation??? h**l, no! I'm stuck with Arlen Specter, who wants to hold hearings on horse racing, to determine if it's safe for the horse., But, I suppose if I were a horse, I might  think he's doing a wonderful job,

  2. It's a given that over 80% of American citizens want to out all of congress, except for their own representives.

  3. I am a firm believer in term limits.  I think that if we has term limits we would not have as much partisan bickering as we now have.  It would also eliminate the old boy network that is firmly in place in D.C.  As for the current members of congress they all need to go home and find out what is really happening to the people who elected them.  If Pelosi, Reed etc. think that we all want higher taxes they need to go talk to the taxpayers in their districts.  If they think we don't want drilling they need to go talk to the guy filling up his gas tank at $60 a pop.  The democrats think higher taxes and the republicans just don't seem to have the b*lls to stand up to them and say no. Yup, they all need to go.

  4. Give them all the heave ho and I will help you.

  5. I think that has become the new "AMERICAN DREAM." yes put the old goats out to pasture in  a dried and burned out pasture to graze, and let them see first hand, how the people that trusted  and voted for them, have to live. Because they let us down.

  6. Partially, I am. My representative is Gabrielle Giffords and she's fine. My Senators are John McCain and Jon Kyl, they need to go.

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