
Should we go to war with Russia over Georgia?

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if we do a war with Russia will probably lead to WW3 and if we don't help Georgia will probably hate america for doing nothing leading to more anti american hatred. So it seems like we are damned if we damned if we don't.what do you think america should do?




  1. Why should we go to war with Russia? Russia did the right thing. Here is a short explanation what happened in Georgia.

    1) In attempt to re-take an autonomous region of South Ossetia - Georgia ATTACKS South Ossetia first killing Russian peacekeepers that were in the region, then starts to bomb Tskhinvali. Keep in mind - that is done at night. Georgian troops level the city almost to the ground, kill about 1600 civilians, and drive the rest out of town.

    2) Russia steps in a day later to prevent the further genocide of Ossetians.

    3) Georgian president screams bloody murder and tells everybody how Russia just invaded his country for no good reason.

    4) Russia defeats Georgia, destroys their weapons and heads home.

    thats about it...

  2. You do realize the first of 3 warships has arrived in Georgia with humanitarian aid.

  3. Sure! You know, if you want to attack the world's largest standing army and a political system that does things brutily  but efficiently.

  4. No way.  Billions would die.  Georgia has only 4 million people and they started it.  

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