
Should we go to war with Russia

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Should we go to war with Russia




  1. Russia will eat us alive if we do ..

  2. I dont think it would be necessary to send troops but USA must help in some ways not by engaging openly in war. If someone thinks that Russian army is so strong then why is war still going on, why haven't they taken over yet. (dont say that they aren't intending to)  

  3. You shouldn't go to war with Russia...   Russia is very powerful country with advanced military technique( Don think that USA IS WEAKER OR MORE POWERFUL THAN RUSSIA) If war would be it will be for about 10 years  Do you want that?? No??  We too!!  We dont need this war...       ( Sorry if I've made mistakes...  I havent practice my English for about 3 years)))))

  4. Yes at all cost ! The west can not let Russia get away with this. Get ready to rumble!!!

  5. It was a bad idea at any point of the Cold War, and it still is.

    Diplomacy should be used to its fullest extent, including sanctions, before any shots should even be considered.

    If the Russians don't push past the South Ossetian region, we should stay out of it.

    The Russians aren't third world pushovers with used weapons and low morale. They are an extremely capable enemy with the largest nuclear stockpile in the world.

    You don't go rattling your sabre at them unless you have a very good d**n reason, and this conflict isn't that.

  6. Why? Not Russia started war... And not she kills peace citizens. It is Georgia all has arranged and has set all on Russia! You do not know the truth, because live far

  7. My wife who is Russian says yes. Putin should be stopped at all cost or the Soviet Union will be reborn. My personal opinion is, well, my "nick" says it all, I.B.F. Marxists.  

  8. no we shoodnt go to war with anyone

  9. YES! if you ask me the United nations has been pressuring Bush to help georgia, and Georgia has been a Pro western supporter for many years and has backed us in situations that we needed help with. Russia has also claimed to be one of our friends but its citizens hate the western culture of america and think of us as fat pigs. Russias govornment also thinks badly of us and says that we are to blame for alot of the worlds problems when we arnt. Russia has also been accused of supplying talaban forces in afganastan with ak 47's and other arms WHICH ARE BEING USED AGAINST US. so if you ask me i think that we should threaten the Russians by mobilizing forces into georgia and use that as bargaining to get them out of our Pro-Western supporter friends country. Plus if you look at the reasons Russia invaded georgia u see that the intents russia has are not very reasonable, like they wanted some land in ossetia and didnt like the american supporters xD so i think that we shouldnt go to war but we should provide some military influences lol.


  10. No. Why is this our problem?

  11. I say we should ignore silly thoughts on war in russia, and try to make life better for Russian and Eastern european women. These poor women are being sold into s*x slavery daily, by the thousands. Many of them innocent girls forced into prostitution. This happens world wide, but in the past 5 years the turks have been buying up romanian girls, like copies of Gears Of War at Toys R Us. Russia has alot of problems right now, and they do not need a war. Crime, Lots of smaller ex unions that now hate russia as much if not more than Georgia, Chinese busines men using the "russia/china" thing to back stab their economy. While in the USA I hear they have some problems of their own. So would it not be better for us to come together to solve mutual problems such as crime and radical islam? Rather than the usa, and russia kill each other off, and then you have no one in charge but Stephen Harper, Jung yi, and the Ayatollah. Personaly I would preferr Jung Yi over harper any day of the week, but that Ayatollah guy is a little sketchy.

  12. We would cream them in 2 days

  13. Of course, so we can end it all in one big swoop.  No more Iran problems, no more Obama vs. McCain, no more olympics, no more football season. No more Bill O'Reilly on TV.

  14. It's taken 5 years for the mighty US to even get anything approaching some sort of "stability" in Iraq - a small and pretty backward country whose very poorly equipped and trained military gave in and fled with barely a whimper. A country whose best example of technology were unguided rockets based essentially on the German rockets of World War 2, and whose main military response was guerrila tactics using improvised roadside bombs!

    What in the h**l makes people believe that the US could be "successful" in a war with Russia? A modern country of over 140 million people with a pretty modern military, submarines, aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, fighters, long range bombers, special forces, AND nuclear weapons.

    What freakin drugs are these people on? Honestly, that's some pretty hallucinogenic stuff you guys are taking.

  15. Yes, and let's start by kicking the Russians out of this country NOW, does anyone know that they are actually taking over Liverpool. This sh***y government is just sitting back and watching them.

  16. We already are, indirectly.

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