
Should we have a curfew?

by  |  earlier

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For lighting in domestic and comercial building including pubs and clubs, and for the street light s think of the energy we would save and I would go for it would anyone else or do you have valid objections.




  1. Yes, after ID cards, bring in the curfew... and then bring in rationing.... then bring in the camps and gas chambers......

    NuLabor is working.

    Update: ok..... but your average streetlamp only costs 5 pence per night in energy use.  That's what we pay Council Tax for.... and people working at night generate alot more for the economy than us all being curfewed.

  2. that would pose a safety hazard and is a case of the cure being worse than the ailment.

  3. Does that mean I couldn't use my computer during the night.

  4. That is the precise thinking that will damm us all in the end,sounds like a good idea but will never work in a modern society as we have now.Let me add parking garages,it would be pitch black.How safe is that?Now one thing we could do is put timers on all adversiting signs who looks at them at night anyway?

  5. No i don't believe so. We live in a globalised world, it operates 24/7- power expenditure is necessary for a healthy economy. You're solution, i propose, throws the baby out with the bathwater. What are all those people who want to go out at night going to do? What about those who want to work at nights or have to work two jobs for an equitable income?

    Turning off the power at night would cripple the economy of most global cities.  We need our electricity, we just don't have to burn coal or split the atom to get it.

    It sounds to me by your later edits that you would be more comfortable in a more autocratic country, you don't seem to place much importance in liberty.

  6. does that include a horse..?

  7. People with night jobs still need to be able to see on their way home from work. No street lights would probably lead to more street crime as no one will be able to see anything going on. In an ideal world a light curfew would save energy but it is just nor realistic.

  8. how the people in the pubs and clubs be able to see where they are going?

  9. and where would this curfew end,,,,

  10. It's a good idea,but not everyone is asleep at night. people would need electricity to see where they are driving, watch where they are going. etc. as other people mentioned crime rate would prob. go up too. even if cops are working 24/7 they need light to catch the criminal.

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