
Should we have a "Global Warming is a hoax" section at Y/A?

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Talk about Paranoid people who believe in this stuff. LOL




  1. That would be great.  Deniers could live in their own isolated fantasy world with their ridiculous paranoid conspiracy theories.

    Then we could engage in rational, intelligent discussions here on the latest (bona fide) scientific findings (the grown ups could discuss real science in peace).

    The children could be in the section that focus on irrelevant politicians (Al Gore or James "Fossil Fuels Gave Me $500,000" Inhofe) and rehash a different already disproven theory every day.

    Why don't you suggest it to Yahoo?

    Better yet, why don't we make room on an island somewhere for the deniers, perhaps off the coast of Bangladesh?  They can deny the storm surges sweeping over their island to the very end.

  2. Great idea.  That way the scientifically uninformed could all discuss their conspiracy theory (e.g. AGW is a hoax) nonsense over there, and those of us who understand the science and are willing to work toward helping the situation wouldn't have so much ignorant noise to contend with.

  3. No. What does it hurt to reduce your impact, anyway?

  4. have arrived a your destination.

    "Please leave any logic or preconceived notions of fact at the gate."  This has proved to be harmful to the GW extremist. Have a pleasant time with your visit.

  5. I don't know.  If they made a Global Warming is a Hoax section for all the baboons who come to this one and post all their personal angst about how they don't believe in Global Warming and their Mommies didn't like them and all that, then they'd probably need to make an Atheist section for all the folks who feel moved to go to the Religion and Spirituality section and post about how they don't believe in God,  then they'd have to go to the Beauty and Style section and make one for all the people who prefer ugliness and boorishness, then for education and reference set up one for the people who think ignorance and stupidity is preferable, then maybe go to Health and set up one for those who sincerely believe disease and pestilence are much better...or all the d****s in question could get a life, go to school, learn something and contribute to society.  Which one, which one, which one?   Gee, it sure is a tough call!

  6. Absolutely. Also, I'm not sure why global warming isn't being discussed in the religion and spirituality section and politics.

  7. It might not be a bad idea. It would keep all the denialists busy, while the rest of us could actually have some meaningful discussion (or, Q&A, as the case may be).

    Also, belief in God and belief in Intelligent Design are two different things. A person can maintain an air of credibility with the former.

  8. These guys don't think so:

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

  9. It would be nice.  Then the grown ups could discuss real science in peace.

    The children could be in the section that quotes politicians and thinks the world is going to end next week.

  10. How could anybody believe that?  Global warming is going to kill us - SOON!  We all need to care more for the planet, if not she won't take care of us.

    We should listen more to Bob.  He knows that the Earth is is trouble, and we are all going to die!

  11. No, just because that subject isn't worthy of its own section.  Just like there isn't a section for 'Creationism' or 'Intelligent Design' or 'the moon landing was staged' or 'there are aliens at Area 51'.

    It would be nice to get all of these conspiracy theorists out of the global warming section, because they really clog it up with some stupid questions.  However, giving them their own section would give them the illusion of credibility, which they don't deserve.

    *edit* what the h**l are you babbling about?  Left wing think tank?  Albert Einstein?

    Dude seriously stick to the hockey section.  You're in way over your head here.  Oh, and Phoenix sucks.  Sharks 3, Coyotes 1.  Just way too easy.

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