
Should we have another baby?

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We have a 3 year old daughter and I have been really wanting another baby. My husband was dead set against it because he feels he works too much and will feel more guilty being away from 2 while he works. He asked, "what's in it for me?' I sat him down and told him how much it meant to me.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a week later he says he is on board with having another baby.

Do I do it? Is he just doing it for me? Will he resent me for this later?

Oh, we had a miscarraige 6 months ago.




  1. if you can afford one finacally and if you really want this

  2. yes, america needs more kids, so if not for yourself do it for america!  

  3. I think you should really sit down and talk to him... If he really wants another baby and you know that both of you guys are able to take care of the baby physically, mentally and financially then go ahead...

    and im very sorry about your miscarriage

    Good luck♥

  4. He could be afraid because of the miscarriage. Sit him down for a very serious talk. Clear the air about how both of you feel, before you make the decision.  

  5. I think you should talk to a marriage and/or family planning counselor to help you all make the decision.

    If you can't afford it or would prefer not to pay for that, then you could always sit down together and write a pros and cons list. Then, discuss the lis and decide if the pros outweigh the cons.  

  6. i would talk to him and see if this is something he wants or if it is just a away to keep you from bugging him about it any more... you know how much work it is to be prego and to have a kid so i would make sure he wants this too... just talk to him again

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