
Should we have fewer children in order to tackle climate change?

by Guest45169  |  earlier

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Limit families to two children 'to combat climate change'?

In the UK this is being followed...

..Quite Impressive!




  1. I'd believe so..but most importantly it is, as far as I would be concerned, to place fewer children in the world they will grow up to inherit, which seems in SOOO any ways, super-Royally F***ed up by us, and our predecessors. Poor next and the next generation, if people don't get together NOW and start repairing...BIG TIME...and seriously!!!

  2. You certainly shouldn't have any children.

  3. we should have fewer children because the world is overpopulated.

    we should have fewer children because many of the reasons for having many children are now almost obsolete, e.g. high infant mortality, you dont wanna mow your own grass when you're 40

    demographically the largest families are the poorest and least educated....if thats not a reason, i dont know what one is

    edit: @ d.l. here's a novel approach... how bout we stop the interference of religion in promoting birth control?

  4. ...Should we have fewer children in order to tackle climate change?

    Definitely! Anyone who doesn't see it is ignorant.

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