
Should we have gone back to war with iraq?

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Should we have gone back to war with iraq?




  1. I agree we should of finished it the firs time.

    I don't think we should of gone back but the fact remains were there now and should finish the job.

  2. We aren't at war with Iraq, the Iraqis are our allies.

  3. we should have finished it the first time. if we did then we wouldnt of been sent there a 2nd time with a bullsh*t excuse that just ended up pissing off the whole world and over half the US

  4. No = WE SHOULD have finished it the first Time


  5. When were we at war with Iraq?  We invaded the country, toppled it's leader killed many of it's innocent civilians.  We were never at war with Iraq.  We are at war with terrorists that we(bushco) created throughout the Middle East, a war that can not be won.  One can not win a war with something that is an intangible, such as a way of life or a belief, we could not win the war in Vietnam, that exercise in futility cost over 58,000 American lives.  How many will this one cost us?

  6. Too late you are at war with Iraq.  Unfortunately, the US has yet to learn that the devil you know is sometime better than the devil you do not know.  

    Who is the devil in Iraq now?  At least Sadam could rule a country.  It was not pleasant, but he did rule it.  Look at Libia and Kadafi.  He once was a dictator who hated the US.  Over time, he learned, that capitalism is far better than not capitalism.

    Cuba is another Comunist country.  Just because it is communist does not mean it is evil.  The cuban are a generous people-poverty striken but that would change if the US started trading with them..  Who know, the US may learn something...

    Impossing democracy on a country sometimes is not the best thing.  It has to be a very gradual change.  If not, the looneys come out, spreading hate.  

    Unfortunately, the people who once hated Sadam can now hate and blame, the US.

    So what can the US do?  No matter what, support the troops.  they are just doing their job.  But, the US must get someone to take an objective look at the issue and identy who the next dictator can be.   Then bail out, and hope that the Iraqi's can find someone new to hate.

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