
Should we have religion in science class?

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If so, how about requiring all churches that are tax exempt to teach evolution in sunday school?





  1. Separation of church & state in public education.  If a parent wishes their child to have formal religious education, then that parent has the right to enroll their child into a private religious school or homeschool.    

  2. The claims behind intelligent design don't have enough scientific evidence to back their claims.  So it should be left out of science classes.

  3. Excellent point.  I never thought of it that way.

  4. We should not have religion in science class because science is about hypothesis, experiment, examination, and proof. It is also about logic and reason. Religion is exclusively primitive fantasy, fiction, and myth; it is highly irrational and completely lacking any validity in the real world. What we should do is teach critical reasoning skills in churches, mosques, synagogues, and other well as in all religion classes. People should have the tools they need to critically dissect the propaganda they are being fed...and to see it for the pathetic tripe that it is.

  5. That is what the Hillbillies want, but at Catholic Schools, strangely enough they don't teach creationism at all.  Not even in Religion Classes.

  6. No, this would be more than a headache for all involved.  How about we get parents to P-A-R-E-N-T and go from there.  Stop expecting public schools to teach your children what YOU want and start letting them teach the core curriculum that is necessary to succeed in this world.

    How about abstinence only classes at Planned Parenthood?  That would be rich.

  7. No we should not, no return to the mentality of the dark ages.

    Yes that would only be fair if you follow that absurd logic. Truth is not a Democracy, facts and evidence are not on the same level as superstitions.

  8. Science is about exploring theories.  Learning is sometimes accepting that your theory is wrong.  So, why not teach all theories in school?

    Children need to learn to be able to create their own viewpoints from a collection of facts.  Otherwise, they will become robots that blindly follow their leaders into wars and deficit spending.

  9. No, we should teach people to read & use the library for that kind of stuff. We should teach every student how to financially support themselves.

  10. No...No....No.....religion should be left in Church, and in the home....not in school....not in government....and certainly not with anything to do with science......Mythology class, maybe.

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