
Should we have stricker gun control?

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Should we have stricker gun control?




  1. I am a strong supporter of our seond amendment rights, and I can't stand that people are trying so hard to push the idea down our throats that guns should be banned!

    But this - THIS is a brilliant concept! Yes! Let us try to establish stricter gun control! Don't take away the civilian's only defense! Instead, try and take the weapons from our enemies!

    But seriously, the answer to this question can only be yes. There's no room for no. Nobody thinks that it's better to give criminals any chance of acquiring guns.

    The question is: How do we enforce stricter gun control effectively?

    And to that, I do not know the answer.

  2. stricter yes,

  3. Nah,no matter how much they inforce "gun control" and rules and regulations.People would always find a way to get  guns ...just like guns...just like illegal hunts.the government doesnt really care...unless it hurts them in profit.

  4. We should have less gun control.

    The criminals (people who use guns to hurt others) are going to get their guns no matter what the law books say.

    This is proven in Washington DC for example. They have the most strict gun control laws in the Nation, and the most violent crime with firearms. It's doing no good. The Criminals still have their firearms and the law abiding people can not protect themselves.

    England and Australia also saw a jump in violent crimes when they banned firearms as the people were unable to protect themselves and the bad guys knew it.

    Yes it's easy to get a gun when you're a criminal and it will always be that way - but you shouldn't make it hard for the people who will do no wrong with it to obtain one.

  5. If you mean stricter , then yes, I think it's too easy to get a gun in this country.

  6. Yes. Drugs are frowned upon more than guns, yet guns are more deadly.  If someone uses a gun...someone on the other end was a victim.

    If someone uses drugs, he is hurting him/herself.  It is a choice they have made themself. (Unlike a victim of a shooting).

    Drugs of course are not victimless (kids involved, addiction, violence....etc.) but it definitely doesn't have the effects of a gun.

    True, guns don't kill people, people do. But without guns, they wouldn't have the means to do so.  I'm not saying to do away with guns...just stop making them so easily accessible, especially to people who SHOULD NOT be having them.

  7. The USA needs to reduce the number of guns in the country.

  8. For sure, too many armed crackpots running around out there,

  9. No

    When need to get at the cause of gun violence and it isn't guns.

    It is the people who think the only solution is to shoot up the neighborhood when things don't go their way.

    Parents taking responilblity for their children.

    People taking time to know who lives next door.

    Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the rest of those ministers need to get into the street and teach the kids that violence is not the answer rather than seek face time on CNN.

    You can have all the gun laws in the world and it doesn't matter if you don't enforce them or there is desire to kill someone with a gun.

  10. Absolutely, most especially, those that can not SPELL it, should not have the right to fire off firearms!  THAT is scary.  Like drugs, guns should be banned altogether in certain zones, like around schools... :)

  11. What will that do? Gun control only effects law abiding citizens. Criminals are criminals because they break laws. What do they care. Why is it that Gun Free Zones have more shootings than gun shows or shops? Why do 48 states have Conceal Carry most of them for many years and still no news stories that America is going back to the Wild West, but have less violent crime compared to IL and WI the only two states that do not allow conceal carry?

    Would you rather shoot someone trying to attack you are let them attack you?

  12. A criminal is just that .... a criminal.  They will have access to guns no matter what.  Stricter gun control just makes it more difficult for law abiding citizens to have access to their right to bear arms, and give that criminal what he deserves when he breaks into their house to steal their things, or worse.. hurt their family.  Most guns are used for hunting, sport shooting... all of which were acquired legally.  You hear about murders in the news.  Where did those guns come from?.......exactly most likely stolen or bought illegally!

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