
Should we hire a lawyer or use a public defender in court for a DUI we don't have money to pay for one but

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if it is really necessary we will do it will it make a difference between one or the other for the day of the court apperance




  1. No attorney is "free"...(unless it's pro bono)

    You will be charged for the public defender (or appointed attorney) and the charge will be included in "court costs and fines"

    If it's a 1st offense DUI, I'd go with the public defender. He'll most likely get a fine, court costs, etc and maybe probation, license revocation (temporary).  

  2. Absolutely hire a lawyer, even if you have to scrape money together to do that. Public defenders are incredibly overworked, and usually come from the least-experienced ranks of attorneys. Public defenders are OK for things like minor first-time offenses - not for a DUI.

    You need an attorney with experience in this area. Call your local Bar association (or visit their website) for a referral.

  3. If you are guilty of a DUI and this guilt can be proven, there is no point in hiring any attorney. If there is the slightest doubt, you may consider a public defender.

    An attorney probably won't get you off with any less than the court-ordered judgement, which is pretty much set for DUI's.

    Check your state laws for penalties for DUI: 1st offense, 2nd offense, etc.

    Then just gut up and take the consequences. Either way, you'll spend some money and possibly some jail time. (For 1st offense, the mandatory 10 days is usually abbreviated to 24 hours IF you go to the court-ordered alcohol counseling - which will also cost you some money.

    If you're going to plead 'not guilty', definitely get an attorney. But think hard before you do. They usually don't charge you unless they have sufficient evidence to make it stick.

    You made a mistake, drove while under the influence, so take the punishment and go on. That is expensive enough without adding attorney's fees.

    Just be more careful in the future.

  4. You don't have money for a lawyer, but you have money for a car and booze?  Nice.  

    I think they have to give you a public defender if you ask for one.  Unless your case is somehow unique, a public defender would probably do just as good a job as a pricey attorney.

    I mean, this isn't exactly the OJ trial here.  

  5. If you could afford if it "really necessary", then you do not qualify for a public defender.

    Hire a lawyer.

  6. Well a public defender is someone that works for the county and state so you need to ask yourself, do you want to get a big fine and then on top of all that have to pay court costs?

    if you get your own lawyer you might have a chance of beating it.. but if you know you did the crime why are you going to court then?

  7. Depending on how many DUI convictions there has been in the past,if more then one, then I would say a lawyer would be your answer. But if in fact if  it may be one time and you don't have the means for a lawyer  then go with the Public Defender.

  8. Public defenders have large case loads and cannot spend much time on your case. If you plan on pleading innocent you will want a private attorney since they will be able to give your case more time and effort..

    If this is your second or third DUI jail time is involved and a private attorney may be prudent.

    Ashes is wrong, they don't charge you for the PD, but if found guilty you do have to attend AA meetings, pay a fine and complete probation.

    You might be required to get an interlock device for your car, have you liscence suspended and have to show proof of insurance

    If you are going to plead guilty then it really doesn't matter.

    Having a private attorney look over the case will help you make a better decision, a PD you will probably only see the day day of trial or appearance

    The Fantastic Brainiac has SPOKEN!!!

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