
Should we impeach the blind Hawka who lied to the American people and took us to war?

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Hawks....Princepally the war in Iraq




  1. As long as we get to imprison all the Liberals that voted for it and now whine about it.

    Because since they voted for it, its the same as lying to their constituents.

    By the way, who is Hawka? is he a senator in your area?

  2. Bush, cheney,rumsfeld, rockefeller family, rotchild family, deserves to go to h**l, because they are behind 9-11.

  3. it was Bush that lied to the American people and took us to war.

  4. Give it a try. But ask for donations rather than wasting tax money on it. Hollywood will donate a bundle.

  5. Impeachment doesn't work anymore since Mr. Clinton was impeached and did not leave office.

    Please, Mr. Bush, declare Martial Law and dismiss the congress and let's get this war won for the liberties that we all hold so dear.

  6. Not enough grounds for impeachment. You should not have elected him in the first place.

  7. Yes, Nancy Pelosi should be impeached for opening her mouth and speaking like an IDIOT!

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