
Should we invade Cuba if the Rushians attempt to place misiles there?

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It is no secret that Kenedy promised the Ruskies not to invade Cuba if the misiles were removed. If they are again threathning to place misiles there, should we not invade same as they did in Georgia. Will misiles in Cuba ever be accepted. And should America continue to place misiles closer and closer to rushia in europe.




  1. h**l yes.  I went thru the cubam crisis once that was enough.  My fear is that Obama will not have the kahonas.

  2. Absolutely.  

  3. Russia wouldn't be stupid enough to do something like that. Then again, with their refusal to leave Georgia, I wouldn't put it past tham.

    Oh, and the missiles that the US is putting in Poland are anti-Missile, missiles.

  4. The americans have fouled up everywhere else they invaded so I think its best they keep their nose out of this one.

    As for stationing anti-missiles in Poland - a "too strong" defensive system can unbalance equilibrium and lead to the opposition raising their offensive power to compensate.

    When I served in Germany talk of practicing family evacuation was cancelled because that could appear as a move toward a war footing.

    Siting missiles (anti or otherwise) is not a simple decision made over a cup of coffee.

  5. In My View.....

    The Republic of Ireland Should Invade The Isle of Man....

    What Do You Think.....

  6. Imagine there is no country, and no religion...Nothing to kill or die for...Imagine all the people living life in PEACE.  

  7. yes invade cuba......those bananas are a valuable commodity. Not to mention the cigars!

  8. No but I think a few missiles aimed at those that fail to learn to use a spell checker and logic might be a good investment.

  9. That issue was settled back in 1963, when the USSR showed they were a typical school yard bully and unable to keep their nerve when someone stood up to them.

  10. We should invade Poland !

  11. No. We should listen to the founding fathers. War is bad. We should not be so quick to jump into it. I think if we would get our asses out of other people's countries than the world would be less pissed off at us. I do not mean Iraq but the other countries we have occupied for years. We are already in Iraq and have to deal with it and come out successful.

    The founding fathers had the idea of us not playing favorites with any country. yet we do. We cannot do favors for a country without having an effect on another country and we cannot have our troops in a country without having an effect on the world.

    (Sorry I have been reading Ron Paul's book "The Revolution"

  12. The blockade worked last time, it would work again. America won't accept missiles 90 miles off our shores.

  13. wow sorry im an american and to that exstent blissfully unaware

  14. I think America has enough going on without bothering Russia. The war between Russia and Georgia showed us once again that Russia doesn't mess around. Why on earth would we want to re-hash the Cold War?

    I think we could live a little more peacefully if we just let other countries do what they want instead of starting wars.. that we can't afford.

  15. Cuba is not like it was in the 60's. I dont think Russia will try to place missiles in Cuba again.

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