
Should we just get rid of farm subsidies at last?

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And also reform agricultural trade policies as well. The food bill is rising for most americans and we need relief NOW!




  1. Sorry, but the farm subsidies will not lower your food bill.

    Current ethanol production and high price of gasoline is what is driving up the prices.

    Farmers aren't the ones making the big $$$.

    When my aunt sells her milk she sells it for 20 cents per 100 pounds. By the time it gets to you its $3.50. Ethanol producers are currently driving up the price of corn the farmers use to feed their beef. therefore creating a sell off of cattle they cannot afford to feed.

    Plus it is also driving up the price of fertilizers.

  2. The 1996 Farm Bill was supposed to be the beginning of the end of farm subsidies. Emphasize SUPPOSED TO BE. The 1996 farm bill really decreased payments to farmers. What happened when farm commodity prices dropped in during the course of that farm bill? The feds simply doubled certain payments. In 2001, the next farm bill, soybeans were added as a program crop, and payments increased on other commodities (corn, wheat, cotton). Congress is currently debating the next farm bill, and it looks as if things aren't going to change dramatically. answer your question I don't think that farm subsidies are going to change much. But, keep in mind that when commodity prices are high, as they are right now, the governmnet doesn't step in nearly as much as when coomodity prices are low. Right now, it is free market forces, not the government that is driving up the price of food.

  3. I wish it were that simple. We do need to get rid of the subsides, but if they were all withdrawn at once thousands of farmers would go out of business and your food prices would really go through the roof. The subsidies are going to have to come of gradually until the supply and demand can correct things. I think that the trade policies are in pretty good shape. We are still in a positive export situation in the US. Our increasing food prices are mostly due to the high prices of oil. Some increase because we are using corn for ethanol, but that comes from corn that would be exported so it is not taking the feed for stock. Export less corn and import less oil.

    The relief we need for high prices must come from getting free from foreign oil. Alternate energy sources are the long term answer, but meanwhile we need to be allowed to drill our own oil and build new refineries. I'm all for conservation, but we are allowing environmental extremists ruin our country and cause the high prices you are wanting relief from right now.

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