
Should we just laugh it off when our question is deleted and our account suspended?It hurts when it happens to

by  |  earlier

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me, and I don't laugh, but maybe I should. Maybe I shouldn't expect the Yahoo censors to know when I am just telling the truth, considering that thousands of participants out there are so biased to one side or the other, that they wouldn't know the truth if it hit them on the head. I can give them only one hint - If what is said really bothers you and makes you mad, it is probably true. People hate the truth more than anything else.Yes, it still hurts to be deleted or suspended, but I guess the Yahoo censors are just people too.




  1. Well, I guess that would depend on the situation...

    I will flat out admit that I have tried getting two guys off for answering offensively to a young girls fear of a female issue...

    For the most part they should send a warning email. But again it would all depend on the situation.

  2. what happened?

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