
Should we kick his brother out?

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My brother-in-law has lived with us for 4 months now when we said he could move in he had a job but the day before he moved in he got fired. And he still dosent have another one. he just got a girl friend and the last few days he has been going out and getting drunk with her and his friends and has only been home maybe 2 hours in the last 2 days. i think he should make looking for a job his job intill he finds one. He had a temp job for one week and made some money witch he did give us some for the eletric bill. but that is all he has had to pay the whole time he has been with us. and when we said he could move in the aggerment was that he would pay $50 a week and what ever personal things he needed. but so far we have paid for ever thing and we even take him places with us, like out to eat or to the movies. it seems like he is just with us for the free ride. We dont want him to have to leave but we dont know what ealse to do, what whould you do?




  1. You are enabling him to be a bum. Talk to your husband who should be the one to tell him that you have made arrangements for him to leave and you will miss him but you need to move on and have your own space and privacy now. Tell him it was wonderful to have him etc. If he says he cannot find a place, make reservations at a motel 6 for the first night and treat him to that. You will be paying( just for the first night) but its the only way to get him out. Otherwise he will be there for the rest of his life. He does not care about you at all or he would have given the 50 he promised.

  2. "WE" is the key word there.  You and DH need to decide together what you want to do.  While it's not fair for you to be supporting another adult sometimes things get muddled up when the other adult is also family.  So you two sit down together and decide what you want to do about this.  Whether it's kick him out now or give him some time line, you two have to both agree and maybe even put it in writing so you can back each other up.  

    Once you have your agreement of what you're willing to give, both of you sit down and talk to his brother.  He should do most of the telling but you need to be there to back him up.  Give your brother the decision you've come to and have him sign it so he knows it's binding and then stick to it.

  3. You need to confront him. Tell him that you love him, but that you've extended your welcome too far. Don't kick him out yet, but tell him that if he wants to be irresponsible and drink and go with you places, that he's going to have to pay some bills. Just let him know that if he doesn't step it up and start at least giving a little effort, that he's going to have to go.

  4. I say if you kicked him out yesterday that would not be soon enough, so my answer is YES. He needs to go before he causes problems between you and your husband. He's nothing but a mooch.

  5. Throw him out. He's mooching.

  6. I would throw his *** out!

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