
Should we leave Iraq and invade Iran? since we are already over there?

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Should we leave Iraq and invade Iran? since we are already over there?




  1. you go first ;)

  2. Well , Jenny , You share the same strategic ideas of one of our most effective Generals of WW2 .

    General Patton wanted to take on Stalin after the surrender of Germany . We had the troops and equipment in place and the Russian forces were weakened by the war.

    We can only speculate what the world would be like if the US politicians had listened to him.

  3. Sure, let's just march right on over and spend ANOTHER 3 trillion or so dollars we DON'T have. Our good friends the Chinese and the Saudis will loan it to us!

  4. Is there any OIL ?

  5. The USA should firmly tell Iran that if they use their missiles against any ally they will receive 100 times the number of missiles. And the USA should cancel all Iranian visas and completely cut off all trade with Iran.

    And the US should tell Iran that they can develop anything they want, but if they ever use their nuclear weapons then Iran will be turned into a radioactive wasteland for 500 years.

  6. Why not just have 3 wars going on over there at the same time? They all have oil and that's worth it right? Not like we should ever give diplomacy a try. This time lets just send the children of the elite bankers and politicians to fight.

  7. I think US should stop poking it's nose into other people's business!! And if Iran is ever attacked, they will retaliate were badly and could loss of several lives. Iran is not a weak country since they have a lot of nuclear power in the world. Russia and North Korea have a lot of nukes as well.

  8. USA should try with something easier,for example Haiti.US Imperialism put some years ago a puppet and also ousted him ( Aristide).What happens with USA?Everybody is pissing on her!

    Even Evo Morales kicked out the US Ambassador to Bolivia!


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