
Should we listen and do what our parents say?

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like with money problems, relationships, im 20 years old, and am trying to do the right things generally




  1. ...yes? I mean, If they tell you to go jump off a cliff or beat up everybody you see, no, but most of the time they know what they're talking about...

  2. yes.

    at least take what they say into consideration.

    they've lived through it once, so they know what they're talking about.

  3. Yes--most of the time.  We tell you because of our own personal experiences.  When it comes to money--yes, because things are changing so rapidly, it seems like you can never have enough and we know if we would have started saving at 20--we would be so much better off today.  Relationships--that one is no so clear.  We are usually a pretty good judge of character because we had so many years of experience in dealing with all types of people.  But you have to go on your own instincts to learn.

  4. You should always listen to your parents.  They will always know a lot more than you will, so they are a good source of information!   Sounds like you are on the right track!  Good for you!

  5. Hey, How old are you? I don't know how to answer that. I would say that it's a good thing to listen to your parents. As old as I am I listen to my parents. But I'm married and not leaving at home no more. Some of the things that they say I don't listen to. Then I find myself fighting with my parents. I feel that you should listen to your to your parents. I have 2 children and I try so hard to have them listen to me. The good thing would be to listen to your parents.

  6. Yes.  You should listen.  That doesn't mean you'll always agree with your parents but you should listen and weigh their advice carefully.  When they disagree with you is when you should weigh it even more carefully because they may be seeing something you're not in the situation.  If, after careful consideration, you decide to go against their advice at least you'll go on knowing more than when you started out.

  7. .......depends if its sexual or not, i guess

  8. h**l No!!!!!!!!

  9. As your parent have lived a bit longer than you they have the wisdom to know what is right and wrong, and hopefully they have taught you these things, and when it comes to money issues them i am sure they know more about that than you do, likewise goes for relationships , and as long as you keep on trying to do things right then continue to do so, but some parents do know what is best for us, i am glad i listened to mine and my children listened to me, because they have all grown up into responsible people, and so have their children, as i have 7 grandchildren who's ages range from nearly 24 down to 2 years old and the older one have grown up very responsible, and that is because of listening to our parents and so on.  

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