
Should we lower the drinking age?

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Also, i still haven't received a "great" answer for this question i asked earlier... if you have time...could you give me your thoughts on it?;_ylt=An73VjoPJ5dP7HoZN4WyYC3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080819093529AADTI3h




  1. I don't think it would matter anyway. We already have lots of underage drinkers but maybe lowering the drinking age will increase the number of underage drinkers.

  2. teenagers drink because it is fun. not because they are purposely trying to break the law

    the drinking age is 18 here and i've been going to weekly parties and drinking since i was 15. I enjoy socialising and alcohol is easy to come by if you know the right shops to go to where they don't mind if you are under age

  3. No, the drinking age should not be lowered, as a matter of fact, I feel the enlistment age, and age to drive with out restrictions should all be highered to 21.   I remember being 18 and seeing some of the really outrageous things my peers did.  I am now 23, and even I myself think that now I have much more better judgement than when I was 18.  

    Funny, how all of the answers that say yes, are all underage teens.    

    So, should we legalize weed because people are still buying it anyway?    So we legalize prostitution because men are buying s*x on the streets?   Should we say suicide is Ok, because its their own life they want to take?   No.  It makes no sense at all!

    If they can't drink responsibly, even while breaking the law, can you imagine if it becomes legal?  It will be so easily accessible...we will have 18 year old alcoholics!

  4. Where  I live kids 13 to 17 drink at partys with dad ect its nuts but on the other hand its just beer but taking it for granted is even worst lol

  5. No, No, and for f sake, no! I'm 15, I don't drink I don't see why people can just WAIT!

    I'm sick of people thinking that laws are meant to be broken! The 21/18 law was made for a reason, and instead of arguing about it, live with it! without laws, we would be nothing.

    P.S. : link is broken

    P.S.S.: I didn't mean to imply that your a kid, I just came from a pretty disturbing email and I was in a bad mood, but also I want to comment on "whatshisface" who posted under me, whats fun about drinking? you puke, can get raped, and it changes you in ways you can't imagine.

    P.S.S.S.: then again, I'm probably not one to talk, because I'm moving back to Poland at 17, and the limit is 18 there :)

    I'm just against younger teens drinking.

  6. Yes it should be lowered. I grew up in Las Vegas and me and my friends always had the urge of just going out and partying etc.. and we did. We got into clubs and etc because we had fake ids. We thought we were just the coolest people in Las Vegas because we weren't of age and had fake ids. These kids binge drink themselves to death. They need to lower the age to 19 and put restrictions on driving if they have been drinking (they can walk to the bar or take a cab) until 21. Then make them take a class and learn about alcohol abuse and give them another card to prove they took the class so they can purchase alcohol.

  7. Yes, we should lower the drinking age to 18. If a person is old enough to make decisions over there own life and old enough to legally purchase tobacco products then they should be able to purchase alcohol. Plus, I can speak for myself in saying that I was 19 when I was deployed to Iraq and if a person is old enough to serve their country and old enough to go fight a war then certainly they are old enough to have a beer when or if they return home safely.

  8. No, I don't believe it should be lowered.

    No one makes people enlist to serve our country, it's a choice. Most times 18 year old's even tho considered an "adult" don't act as responsible adults. It's more the "excitement" of being called an adult. Most have been illegally drunk way before the age of 18 anyway, but that still doesn't mean the age should be lowered. For the military they get training to lose their lives for their country, there's no training to get on the road drunk and kill non suspecting people.Just ask the families who've lost loved ones due to drunk drivers~  

  9. no.. i think it should be higher.. more lives saved

  10. Yes.I feel that the drinking age should be lowered to 18.If children are exposed to drinking at an early age and taught the consequences I think that when they are old enough to drink they would make smarter choices vs a person who was exposed to alcohol at 21.

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