
Should we make a cave man language just in case this whole civilization thing doesn't work out?

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I mean what if we have another ice age? We should probably come up with some kind of caveman language to communicate our needs. So far, the only words I think we'll need are "eating" and "doing," if you know what I mean. Is there anything else we should include?




  1. I think English will suffice.

  2. It's called "Spanglish"

  3. When the next lasp into an ice age occurs, it's not a matter of if really, I doubt very much that all human technologies and ability to adapt and progress culturally will be lost or as you seem to suggest, regress. That is just stupid.

  4. What makes you think "caveman language" was that simple? The EMH (early modern humans) tended to have larger brains then us and a full range vocal apparatus. The vocabulary likely didn't have words for iPod, cellphone, text but I see that as an advancement. No doubt a language 10,000 years ago was much richer in words for weather, nature and hunting. It would be we humans of today that would have problems learning.

  5. sure why not

  6. Huh?

    Why would we?

    If "the whole civiliation thing doesn't work out" -- whatever you mean by that, if there are still people, they will still have whatever languages they have, and will continue to use them, much like we do now, but the technology stuff would either come to have different meanings, or be dropped.

    There's no point in trying to "invent" new languages; nor would there be any way to convey them to whoever there is left.

    An ice age wouldn't destroy civilization. Why would it?

    Anyway, yes, there's huge gabunches of words people would need.

    In order to eat, they'd have to cooperate with each other, so time-words would be essential (WHEN shall we gather at such a spot to go hunting), and, geography and place names.

    Since we'd still be what we are, we'd also need all the words for talking about our inner lives; and for things like greeting and leave-taking.

    We'd also probably still tell each other what's been happening with us since we last talked; we'd still talk about each other, and who's in league with whom, and who's cranky about what, and so on.

    And we'd still use language for entertainment.

    Heck, we'd still use some word for 'water' -- don't you think?

    Not to mention plant and animal words, words for tools, and for the actions of making and using them.

    Not to mention such handy expressions as "Look over there! What IS that?" and "Hand me that rock, please."

  7. The real estate values of central and southern America will go up considerably and we may all be speaking spanish or portugeuese but I think we can survive an Ice age now.....In fact somewhere if it happened some nut ball scientists will get flogged and I'd laugh.

    Global warming is a crock, but almost all of the purpposed activities are good for our environment so fairly harmless, except of our economy. We will all need to learn the Indian languages becasue they will be the next cultural superpower.

    Unless an Ice age hits ...then maybe Brazil or Mexico.

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