
Should we make glass factories in the middle east?

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Should we make glass factories in the middle east?




  1. YES!  We will be forced to eventually.

    What the uninformed Alarmists don't know - Iran has 3000 centrifuges operating now - they want 15000 up and running.

    To the uninformed - centrifuges are necessary for production of nuclear weapons = they want to build lots of bombs to kill off infidels worldwide. That includes us folks!

  2. Skip the factory part, just turn it into glass.

    As soon as Iran gets their atomic bomb, they are going to be itching to explode it in the Port of Baltimore.

  3. I can't think of any reason to do that. So I say no.

  4. When the middle east runs out of oil they will need another form of income.  A glass factory would be most helpful.  But, that alone would probably not be enough.  There should be glass factories and other diversified manufacturing.  Perhaps the U.S. could help with set up.

  5. I got the reference and yes we should. Mexico and Alaska have more oil than the middle east if we could just get rid of the wanna be environmentalists, who don't understand the crucial importance of domestic oil production

  6. hmmm, lots of sand.

    'course there's also lots of rock in the desert, depending on where you look.

    it always bothered me that every refinery seems to have a stack that's always flaring off unused gas.  sure would be cool if we could use that somehow.  but then i've no idea how much -- what percentage of the gas and oil processed, gets flared off.

    i've always thought that glass houses would be a good idea.

    lots of raw material.

    not much environmental pollution.

    that is, if you ignore the energy used to create the glass.

    probably a bad idea around the pacific rim.

    not so bad in areas that are not subject to earthquakes.

  7. Yeah, then we can blame the terrorists for Global Warming and the Republican Victory this November.

  8. Wow, I guess no one got the reference.

    Anyhow, no. We need the oil.

  9. umm if the economy comes out of its slump

  10. it would be a bad investment. someone would just blow it up next time they were pissed at america.

  11. Nuke it til it glows!!! Then nuke it some more!!! Radioactive oil burns just as well.

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