
Should we move to a different state? ?

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my mom and my siblings currently live in l.a and we are reallyn struggling financially. our mortgage is too high for us and my mom is usually stressed and anxious about paying the bills, high gas prices etc etc. we are talking about moving to a state where the price of living is lower than it is here and where we will be better off. i will be a junior and right now i go a really, really good private school (i have a scholarship) but if we were to move, i would probably have to switch to public school. my young sibling is also not happy at his current school and i feel like it would do him good to move. it would also do my mom good , it would be easier for her to take care of the household and she wouldnt have to work so much. but the problem is my school, basically, my family is up for moving if i say im fine with leaving my prep school if i were to switch to a public high school, would my chances of getting into good college be the same? I dont know what to do. I want to help out my family but at the same time dont want to jeapordize my future.




  1. sometimes you have to give a little for the greater good. I would find out if your scholarship was transferable. and your doing this for the family is is a very good thing. good luck dude!

  2. As long as you keep your grades up scholarships are available in public schools.  Go visit a local public school before deciding.  You maybe looking a couple of scholarships would be better than your home ending up in forecloser and your mom working her rear off.  Maybe your mom needs a reality check to realize she is the adult and you are the child and she needs to make the best decision for her family as a whole...not just you.  Sorry if that sounds rude.

  3. I think you should pack up and move. If your smart enough to get a scholarship to a private school then you going to a public school won't make any difference about what college you'll go to, as long as you do well in high school, you'll be fine.  

    I live in LA as well and I'm planning on moving out the state as well.  I've looked at other states (so far Colorado and Iowa) and found jobs that pay what I get paid now and apartments are literally 1/3 of what I pay now.  I can rent a large 3 bedroom 2 bath, w/ fireplace, backyard for what I pay out here and right now all I have is a small studio apartment.  

    I really think you should move bc as long as you work hard in school, you'll succeed.  

    Good luck!!!

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