
Should we now have to learn to speack Spanish in San Francisco. which is our new sanctuary city?

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Should we now have to learn to speack Spanish in San Francisco. which is our new sanctuary city?




  1. speak = hablar

    yes = si

  2. some of these comments made me laugh how would the majority of you coped in the early days of your county when people were speaking all sort of languages- you are a country of immigrants!

    And learning a new language wont rob you of your nationality it will enhance your communication skills and employability. the school system will still teach the majority of lessons in American english so dont worry- you will find all languages are very similar if you look closely.

  3. no.even if there are a lot of spanish speaking persons you are still in the USA OF AMERICA!

  4. h**l no, i think tht its prtty rude of the mexcans jumpin our boarder and not learn english, and instead we hav to learn their language in our own home country.....

  5. No habla espanol and never will unless I decide to travel to Mexico.

    But if I do decide to travel to Mexico, I will learn spanish unlike the lazy people that come to the U.S. and don't learn English.  That's the way I roll.

  6. I wouldn't worry if I were you, because learning a second language requires some intelligence. I'm sure they will be making exceptions for those of whom they deem to be lacking in mental capacity, and probably even allow for the issuance of such a pass as it would relate to the person's  mental handicap.

  7. Well........that's exactly what happened in Miami, Florida. Just wait when your Governor makes it the official language to accommodate them because they don't want to speak English.

  8. Yes - Hispanics are rising in population because of very high birth rates.  Whites are decreasing in population, eventually Hispanics will be the majority.  Not that I agree, but this is reality.  If we want to order a cheeseburger in the future,  we had better speak spanish

  9. Ummm the mexican who uhh came to the US and was to lazy to learn english would like to say that no, you should not HAVE to learn spanish, if you want to for your own benefit to be bilingual and cash in on better job opportunities then so be it.

    Eitherway, i think it would be impossible...have you heard that an american study stated that americans have the hardest time learning a foreign language? Chinese, Japanese have the easiest time...maybe just smarted or more dedicated.

    I do want to add that when american teens go to acapulco or puerto viarta for spring break they don't bother to learn spanish for their trip...NOT All MEXICANS are lazy and don't want to learn the language...everyone in my family has ....and I am studying French as well....your stereotyping and your blaming/judging a whole race on your experience of 1 or so group of people.

    By the way speak is spelt wrong.

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