
Should we or should we not prevent species extinction?

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Things to think about: Over 90% of species that have lived on earth are now extinct. Evolution? Survival of the fittest?




  1. We should only prevent the extinction of animals that, if it were not for our stupidity (clear cutting forests, killing animals for furs, polluting water, etc...), would be perfectly populous.

  2. Prevent species extinction.  All life forms are interconnected. No one has enough knowledge to be able to say that we could do without this or that species. One example I can think of is the huge colony of algae in the equatorial Atlantic. What good is a huge mass of algae? Turns out the colony is so huge that its photosynthesis is responsible for about 10% of all conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen. As pollution from shipping lanes and silt from South American deforestation kill off this algae, we loose an important ally in our struggle with greenhouse gases.

    Another example - most of our medicines come from plants. Maybe the next plant to become extinct has the cure for cancer.

  3. we cant prevent it but we can help slow down the  rate ....every thing on earth are born to be vanish....

  4. I think we should do all we can to prevent species extinction.

    Evolution or survival of the fittest   are not the only causes of extinction.  People have played their part by hunting certain animals too much, and taking over habitats.


  6. that is the point EVERYTHING DIES

    no lets make hunting PETA members legal and get rid of that species

  7. Of course we should. The changes are happening too fast for these animals to evolve - hence extinctions.

    If evolution was the answer, we wouldn't have extinctions - animals would simply survive and adapt.

    The term "survival of the fittest" describes individuals of a species. The fittest will survive, breed and therefore adapt. It does NOT mean that strong species survive and weak ones die since a weak species wouldn't even exist if it was weak!

  8. 100% of all speicies will go extinct. We should only invest resources on preventing the extinction of the human speicies. If we can do that, then we will learn how to prevent other spiecies from going extinct.

  9. I am going to say no. However, i do believe we need to keep species. The Endangered Species Act is both a good and bad thing. It is good to save species, but we allocate a lot of money to look at the conservation of a single species. I understand that often it ends up helping another species.

    A better way to conservae speceis from extinciton would be to prevent the loss of critical habitat areas. Rainforests, savanna, etc etc are critical areas for multiple species. But don't forget about swamps and marshes, they may not be visually appealy but still have highly specialized species that need to be conserved.

    So conservation of a large variety of habitat types may be a better way to maximize the dollars and still conserve a majority of species.

  10. Yes-An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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