
Should we overthrow our government? Yes or No?

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This is a call to all suckheads. Get your head out of well you know. My question on this before got alot of heat from uninformed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Citizenry. Thank You very Much to all who agree. Mike




  1. They're not too bad to be taken out legally.  Yet.

  2. We'll see come poll time -- I'll do my civic share.

  3. I'm going to recommend you make your attempt at the polls

  4. If you are considering replacing those now in office with others, then use the ballot box to express your opinion.  

    If you are suggesting the "overthrow of our government", then that is called a revolution, or coup if the military does it, and is against the law.  Consider this: If you overthrow the present form of Constitutional government, what would you replace it with?  A dictatorship? A monarchy? What?

  5. No need for drastic action like that!

    Just get it together with some of your iinfluential pals (they hopefully should have the Big Bucks) and start a third party that will actually do the things all of the rest of us want the government to do:

    1) Get the ____out of Iraq.

    2) Take control of the boarders like any other nation on earth, including Mexico!

    3) Reform the darned tax code

    And thats just for starters!

  6. I always Love Corogryph answers !!

    Vote the bums out.....Make Your Voice and Vote heard. Don't Give Up !!!

    Hit the pavement for a candidate that has a brain and can think for themselves, let alone know the issues and what they are talking about.

    Caution: Make sure you know who you are voting for ---and why !! If at all possible meet them--your instincts and intelligence will take over---  

    There are many uninformed and ignorant candidates who have no idea what they are talking about. I could name a few from our Southren States but won't go there !!!!

    So Beware--- Just be informed !!

  7. No, we should not overthrow the government. I am against this administration, but I will not be apart of seditious behavior.

  8. yes, but that will be done with the barral of a gun, as the voting process is rigged

  9. Force them to pass a constitutional amendment limiting how much money they can steal from us. Or convene a constitutional convention for that reason. Only by limiting the money, can we control any government. Either make all taxes completely voluntary or put a percent limit on it. Everything the government grabs would be included. Taxes, fees, licenses, levies, all of it. People would be free to contribute as much as they wish of their own money. We the people would then have as much government as we wanted. Your new government would end up just as bad as the one we have now. Government is the root of all evil.

  10. Lets do it legally!  We have the vote.  Contact our Senators & Congress persons to let them know how we feel about what is happening in our government.  It helps if you know how these people vote on your behalf on the issues that concern all of us. Many people just gripe but have no idea of how they are being represented by the persons they have voted into office.  Be an informed voter & let those you have voted into office know how you feel about their votes & do it often!  Thats how you change our government, not by trying to overthrow it by force!  Just remember Kent State & the Vietnam protesters, some were killed for staging a protest on campus! Remember, also, who is in command of the military, the President of the U.S.; those in the military are duty bound to carry out his orders!  We don't want a revolution in this country when it can be done without violence.

  11. The opportunity presents itself evry year , at a thing called an ELECTION.

    Can you say, ELECTION, kiddies?????????/

  12. And if somebody doesn't like the government you'd install.. should they go ahead and start slaughtering people to overthrow it as well?

    And after that should we have another group do the same?  And again?  And again?

    That happens a lot in Africa.. and it's the primary cause of all the problems there.  So while your idiotic appeal won't find much support here.. consider a trip to Africa, you'll find enough chaos and murder to keep you happy for years.

  13. That's a good question because the US is supposed to be a diplomatic country.  We shouldn't have to - we elected them... Yes - we should.

  14. Yes we do but how can we do it legally if we get another president who ignores the Constitution, the laws of the US and his/her oath of office.

  15. Maybe you should channel some of that energy to make things better, legally and logically. I choose to support the President and our troops.

  16. Overthrow? No. Vote out? Yes.

  17. Uh, Yeah, good luck with this.

  18. It wouldn't work cause even u did somehow overthrow the government new leaders would be picked and we would just fall back into a government, if u want to make a difference become  a part of the government  or strongly support a presidential candidate or even a simply vote.

  19. Yes, but legally....

    Vote them all out in 2008 (well, except for 2/3 of the Senate who are not up in 2008, that waits until 2010 and 2012) -- wipe the slate clean and sent a real message.

  20. vote the democrats out.

  21. Yup, but democratically. We need to get rid of DINOs and RINOs, they're prehistoric. I wish we could vote out incumbents and get some third party or independent members elected next year. We need to get together and fight. We need to open up the system to others for a change. Thanks!

  22. Overthrowing a government is futile unless you have both a practical and detailed moral, legal, and structural replacement planned out in advance. Support of the people also helps. Unfortunately the bulk of the public know things are not right, but have no clue how to fix it, and are heatedly divided in the details. While our current system of government is structurally {via the constitution} the best, it is also failing us. If we cleaned out the congress and started over we would be no better off than we are know in just a decade or three. The constitution needs to be more restrictive and detailed than it is. Also [among other things] we need to change how we put people in congress. We have the same problem that Iraq does in electing representatives only our extremists are ideological instead of religious. I considered the single transferable vote system {see Malta} with several variants. While it is much better than our system for turning people out of seats and bringing in a few different voices it still results in an overly polarized system. I also considered an amendment to limits congressmen to one term. While this would help reduce corruption and detachment from voters, it still results in polarization and a very limited perspective as the number of professions, and social interests represented are very limited. A thing the founders feared in the first place. We also have too many representatives. Many of the delegates that approved the constitution also wanted it amended to limit the number of representatives to 200. and it functioned very well while the number was under 80. Finally, sense 1896 it has become common practice for politicians to lie or withhold true objectives in order to win elections. I recommend appointing people by voluntary single entry random drawing. Each state would draw 1 person for every 2 percent of national population represented by the state but not less than 1 person. In office each representative would have a vote equal to the number of citizens in the state, or his equal share if his state has more than one representative. With a government that has greater constitutional restrictions than today we don't need a statistical representation of the nation just a well balanced group of diverse interests. We don't need charismatics, hi-IQ persons, or ideologist just common sense and the majority being reasonably honest. unfortunately, people that believe in big government, government control of most everything, and or government dependency would find this idea crazy because they have no faith in people or liberty.  Without truth and faith a democracy with liberty can not stand.

  23. Yes.  We need to use the ballot box to accomplish this.

  24. Every four years we have a choice.  After that we have to live with our choices and respect the decision of the majority.  Kids see our actions..Lets do the best that we can in honor of the Democracy.  Each of us should do our part for peace.

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