While it is true that In Germany you won't be offered bags of any kind, you can still buy them at the check out. Your choices are paper, plastic or cloth and surprisingly a lot of people choose plastic. But they reuse those bags over and over and over again, after all you pay for them ( I think 30 Euro Cents for the big ones) ANOTHER THING to look at in Germany is, that the RECYCLING LAWS are very strict over there. Pretty much everything has to be separated, if you don't you might end up paying a big fine. While trading in plastic bags for paper or even Cloth is a good thing, we should also look at the recycling laws in the United States. I believe if they are re-enforced more, people will think more about how they throw away their trash. I know it is a big thing to ask a person to start separating trash and I am aware of the cost of such programs, it took Germany 15 years to get where they are now, however I believe it is well worth the effort. What do you guys think???