
Should we really be investing money in a space program when there are children who go to bed hungry ?

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Should we really be investing money in a space program when there are children who go to bed hungry ?




  1. u make a really good point. we should fix up the problems on this planet before we evevitably stuff up others

  2. yes because when the children who do eat eventually eat so much that trash and wrappers cover the earth's surface global warming will destroy earth so we will have to live on a ship like in wall-e.

  3. I appreciate your concern,  It's a question people ask all the time,  but its premise is flawed.  Since man first evolved, there are kids who have went to bed hungry.  There will always be kids who go to bed hungry.  If the space program of every country ended tomorrow....and each of those countries took all the money saved and put it towards ending hunger...and each of those countries took the money they would have hypothetically spent each year from now until eternity on their now cancelled space program and each year spent that saved amount on trying to end hunger...some children, in every country in the world, for a myriad of reasons, would still go to bed hungry.

  4. Yes the space program help's to spur the economy by putting people to work in multiple occupations. Not only rocket scientist's but the farmer who grows the food the scientist eats,the people who build the equipment used by the farmer,and multiple occupations that are to numerous to list all benefit from the space program. The next time you drink Tang or use a microwave oven thank the engineers who dreamed up the idea's for use on a spaceship.

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