
Should we rely on the internet or just good ole books w/astrology?

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  1. Hi Laro !

    Books definitely.. I have a big collection as you know :-). Compared to knowledge found in books, websites are useless. Or too serious.

    My favourites are from Arroyo : great ideas from seminars, anecdotes and does not take himself too seriously.

    Some great books read a bit like novels. Entertaining and full of knowledge. insights at the same time

    and well agree with the above answerers !!!

    I like the fact when some review some ideas and give real examples in a funny manner.

  2. Laro

    You should know by now, that it is better to rely on one's intuition and insight. Their will always be good books on the market with new ideas, new insight. As for the internet, if the post is good, it is worth reading.

    P.S. I like the fact that you are still posting a lot and nevery get violated. I'm amazed.


  3. Books are necessary , especially for the most basic knowledge , also , some books are very advanced too, especially those that are written by well-known astrologers such as Liz Greene , Stephen Arroyo. And we can find a lot of good stuff on the internet nowaday too, the point is where to look for them.

    Then again , reading the books alone will not help with expanding your knowledge , sure, reading a lot of them will enhance your raw knowledge. However, by sharing and communicating with other people that have the same interest , whether its person to person , on the internet or by any other means, your knowledge would become more accurate, more refined.

    Studying astrology is a lot like studying any other subject whether they are of scientific or spiritual interest. Though, astrology requires a bit more understanding on both rational and intuitive level , because astrology also has a touch of psychology in it.

    You will find a quite number of people on this section have a very good knowledge on astrology, and they are also asking questions and trying to share their knowledge too. Most do not go about bluffing their experience in astrology , no matter how good they are.  Also, when answering a question, most people will give you what they understand best , and most of the time, they do know what they are talking about. You will find some doing the " copy " and  " paste " , or some showing off their knowledge by telling people how many years they have done astrology, and when they try to apply their own understanding on astrology into answering a question without copy and paste, it does not make any sense , at all. So you need to watch out for these people, or at least have a discriminating mind when reading their answers. Intuition in astrology is a great asset to have , but false, self-proclaimed intuition is another thing .

    You have a great potential in astrology, Laro, most of your questions posted more or less have something to do with astrology, some of them have been great questions too. So I am not really amazed when they dont get deleted, because they are legitimate. Though fun questions are welcome too, of course without any " hidden " agenda in it, like a certain number of past YA'ers had done.

    All in all, I would say both are necessary to harness and improve your astrology knowledge.

  4. Hey laro man..the books are always better...I like the good old days where we can go to the library and pick up a book and the net has a bunch of BS info..just useless.Good qs.

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