
Should we rename Ministry of Defence to Ministry of Invasion?

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It doesn't seem right that all our armed forces are controlled by the Ministry of Defence.

What are they defending in Afghanistan ? Nothing - they are chasing the Taliban.

What are the Armed Forces defending in Iraq? Iraq have never threatened the UK.

They are not serving Queen and country.

They went out there for Tony Blair's ego or vanity.

So should we be honest and rename the Ministry?




  1. Or the Ministry of Protecting the Minister's A-s-s ?

    Or why not the Ministry of Silly Walks? Oh yes, already done. That's the new name for DEFRA.

  2. Defending dosen't mean having to stay on your own soil.  Look at the World Wars, we went to other countries in order to stop invaders coming to our shores.

    Afghanistan and Iraq are similar in so much as the Taliban etc may not personally come to our country and attack us as an army but they are still trying to invade us by exporting their beliefs etc to us but not allowing us to do the same to their country.

    As a result of our 'all too liberal' attitude and freedoms, which by the way the Taliban etc do not want in their own country they are able to hurt us but we cannot defend ourselves due to the protection our do gooders give them.

    From your question I would assume that you believe that we should not support the free people of those countries and that the Taliban should be allowed to do what they like, where they like and to whom they like.  You currently experience freedom of speech etc in this country, why don't you go to those countries and then try to say what you like, practice your religions, have a drink, have your daughter educated and the like.

    Whilst I might not like Tony Blair or George Bush for that matter what they are doing / have done was probably right, the only problem was we didn't go in hard enough with even greater force and numbers, also they do not play by the same rules, we have to be fair and abide by International Law, the Taliban and the like don't.

    Support our troops, don't criticise them.

  3. I would say yes, but the government would probably spend half a million doing so, and then another half a million for a new logo which would be just as appauling, if not even worse than, the olympic logo...

  4. No

  5. No!I believe a better name would be hostages!Hostages and Pawns to Labour Party flawed foreign policies!

  6. They are defending freedom from tyranny.

  7. That's a good bit of lateral thinking!

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