
Should we sack Jenkins as wales Coach?

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and what about steven Jones?????? And i am a scarlets supporte!!!




  1. no and no...

  2. I'd give him more time. I thought the performance against Ireland was excellent. The scottish game was disapointing but if any team in the tournament can cause an upset its Wales. I'm hoping they can pull a shock off in Paris next time out. They'll have a few key players back and they may be able to run it more. As for Stephen Jones, maybe he's not a natural leader, but he's a fine player, who improved so  much after his spell in France. He's vital along with Peel to Wales.

  3. I've NEVER rated Jones. I know he had a lot to live up to, replacing our beloved Neil Jenkins, but apart from a couple of games, he's just not proved his worth at all. There are a lot of Welsh fly halfs who are much more deserving.

    As for Jenkins, he also has big shoes to fill. I think it'd be a different season if Mike Ruddock was still about. I say we give Jenkins more time. Afterall, we are missing Alfie and our best wings at the moment.

    I also think it's important to consolidate the team before the world cup - we don't need upheaval at the mo.

    Cymru am byth!

  4. No, give the man a chance. England gave Robinson many chances and look how he ------ up. Ruined a decent set up. So if you want the same, keep him.

  5. Play Hook at 10 and give Henson another chance at 12 thats what I say.

  6. sack them all why not?

  7. yes definatly plus half the team

  8. Totally agree! Wales are not playing well.

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