
Should we save the uncontacted tribes or teach them all we know about modern civilization?

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  1. I don't think that people should impose their culture on anyone else. If you want the answer just ask yourself how you'd feel if people from a radically different culture came to your town and told you that you weren't living your life correctly and that you should change. Our concepts of "civilization" are our own. There is not just one way to be and it's a shame that people seem so dead set on destroying the diversity of humanity.

  2. I take it by "save" you mean just leave them alone and don't let any of the rapacious corporations that are levelling te rain-forest s***w up their lands? I would definitely vote for that. The history of "western" civilization's attempts to "improve" indigenous peoples amounts to one multi-century holocaust.

  3. They may not have been contacted by "modern" people but they likely have encountered all their germs and learned all about them from visiting other tribes in the area.  I doubt it would harm them much to visit them on occasion to see if there is something that can make their lives easier.  The romantisation of everything primitive being better isn't really about helping them but more about feeling guilty or a desire to keep them backward to study.  I would hope they would control who visits them and checks them for disease.  If I was visiting them, I would be much more worried about me dying from some disease they carried or were immune to.

  4. As they don't have any immunity built up within them to prevent them from modern diseases we should stay away and leave them alone.  The common cold could be fatal to them.  

    Respect their privacy!

  5. I don't think they need to be "saved", they need to be left alone. Did you know that just by paying them a 'visit' we could kill them? This would expose them to so many viruses and bacteria that they have never had contact with and by now, we are all immune to because we have been exposed. Remember the book "Guns, Germs and Steel"? This is how we have, involuntarily killed other tribes too. Nice question♥

  6. SAVE?  Are you kidding me???  Who do you mean by "we", because I know you do not speak for me.  The most damaging thing "we" could do would be to try and teach them anything.  These tribes have got along just fine without us, and will continue to thrive and advance as long as "we" keep our noses out of thier lives.  Dont let anyone fool you into thinking that any involvement from outside influences would help these people in any way.  Live and let live my friend.  Peace.

  7. The "uncontacted tribes" are the few that aren't spoiled by modern civilization - why ruin what they have.  In today's society i, personally, would prefer to live of my land and produce or hunt for everything i need.  The modern society is nothing to be proud of and i think if the tribes saw the way we live and the way we treat each other and our earth they would be absolutely mortified.  We should leave them alone!

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