
Should we scrap the British royal family?

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they don't do anything. so whats the point in them?




  1. No.

  2. Actually in addition to the Queen's constitutional duties, her and her royal family have an important role to play in public. A national figurehead, The Queen provides a focus for identity, offers recognition of achievement of all kinds, and supports the ideals of public and charitable work.

    Her Majesty acts a focus for national unity and pride by means of regular visits in the UK, her other realms, the Commonwealth and overseas destinations. The Queen is supported by other members of the Royal Family, who also carry out thousands of visits each year.

    The Queen recognises excellence and achievement. This takes place in many ways: through Royal visits which provide a 'seal of approval' to a charity or community; through the award of honours and prizes to outstanding individuals; and through messages sent to those celebrating special birthdays or wedding anniversaries.

    The Queen and the Royal Family also play an important part in the public and voluntary sector. Through involvement with hundreds of charities, military units and other organisations, they promote the ideal of service to others.

  3. NO!

  4. No

    Long live the Queen!

  5. Britain isn't ready to get rid of the royal family. In my opinion, anyway. It was tried back in the 1600s. Didn't work out so well.

    Anyway, we should keep them for now for tradition's sake and for historical reasons. Stuff like that. It's not like they don't do absolutely anything. The Queen appoints heads of the Church of England and all that c**p.

    Yes, they do cost taxpayers a lot of money... but so do presidents. Then again, presidents do more and need the money for their income.

    Keep them for now. In the future? I don't know.

  6. No they should not be scrapped if you take the time to look at this website you will find how totally wrong you are

  7. Wow,what an original question,I wonder why no one else has ever thought of it.The answer is NO.

  8. Deport them to Germany or Greece and let them laud over their own people

  9. Yes....its time this lot went!! They are outdated, and they are out of touch with the real world outside their palaces etc. They have an inordinate amount of money, for seemingly doing nothing to earn it.

    I know they will always be seen as part of British Heritage,, along with all the pomp and circumstance that goes along with it, but sorry, they are outdated, and outmoded.

    When we are all struggling to cope with fuel costs, and the price of food, who wants to hear about them having massive banquets to impress visiting foreigners who have never been here before, and probably will never come back! And who wants to hear about the likes of Andrew and William, tazzing around the country, just as they please in freebie trips on helicopters. I don't know about you, but we have to struggle to get the money together for a flight for our once-a-year holiday!

    Yes.....its time for them to go!

  10. omg yes.


    get rid of them.



    i think everyone is sick of them and they don't deserve to be treated the way they are because they were born into a certain family.

    people like Nelson Mandela should be sitting up on their thrones.

  11. What a brilliant idea.

  12. No.  Maybe we should scrap you - what is it you do exactly?

  13. And just what have you done lately? who do you refer to when you say we?

  14. no

  15. Maybe not scrap them but stop all the advantages they have through an accident of birth.  The queen is a pensioner - give her the pension and a bungalow and let her live the rest of her life in peace.  Make the hangers on work for their money and use Balmoral and other royal palaces where they could do most use!  

    It would not affect tourism - people come for the history of the place - not who is there now.  I mean, do you go to, say, Epheses to see modern day Romans or to marvel at the architecture and history of the place?  Same with many other places.

  16. if england no longer has a royal family then the country's basically up s***s creek. let's face it, whether you like it or not if it wasn't for the royal family past and present, england wouldn't be the great nation it is today! so you keep them and let us in america finally get rid of george bush.

  17. no, they are british symbols of history.

  18. Yes, they do something, they are the source of the British class system, the notion that we are all born into our places. This is gradually changing but should be removed from the roots.

    In terms of history the royals ancestors were basically despots, they tortured their own people and the people the conquered, they raped , pillaged and stole land from the people. Somehow this has been forgotten over thousands of years of propaganda, now the people think having a hereditary layer of unelected officials is actually good for them?

    If you stand back and look at it the situation is farcical. Long live the Republic.

  19. it is not true that they don't do anything.  The Queen fulfills her role as head of state quite conscientiously, and is very busy with public engagements even now she is in her eighties.  The other members of the royal family fulfill their duties as well.  It would not be any cheaper to have an elected head of state, plus we would have a lot more dreary elections.  the royal family is cheap at the price.

  20. And what's your claim to fame Einstein? Do you have a thousand years of history behind you? Ok so maybe they don't do much but do you know anything about the history of the Royal family? Do you know anything?

  21. Yes, yes, and while we're on the subject, YES!

  22. Actually they do work very hard indeed.  Look at the Court Circular in the Telegraph every day or the Times equivalent and you will see exactly what they do.  Also bear in mind that the Queen and Prince Philip didn't exactly retire in their 60s and get a pension.  Also the lesser royals do not get anything from the state whatsoever and work like the rest of us.

    If we became a republic, we would have a president and presidents too live like royalty which costs the tax-payer.

    You ask what the point of them is.  For one thing, they generate a h**l of a lot of income for this country, especially in the form of tourism, which in turn creates jobs.  Also in these times of global Americanisation they represent what is truly traditional and British.  

    I wouldn't be without them!

  23. Sure.

    Why not?

    Decode this lyrics " You raised me up"

    In messing up the " King and I" ?

    Who is the king?

    Who is the "I" ?

    Luke 6.41-45

    Surely they have their purpose out there.

    For the good of mankind in the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time.

    Luke 10.24

    What do you think?

  24. NO. First things first, the British Royal Family generates income for their country unlike presidents (look up the past five Philippine Presidents) who keep on leeching from their countries and let their sons and daughters run for offices for the sake of getting a portion of the "pork barrel" in Congress. In my opinion, United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations are pretty lucky to have Queen Elizabeth II as their head of state. She and Prince Philip are way past the age where an average person should work. Prince Charles and Princess Anne are nearing the age of retirement but they are still working very very hard. To those who want to scrap the royal family, I suggest you try living in a republic like the Philippines with presidents and first ladies who own more than 2,000 pairs of shoes while doing practically nothing but shop and waste the people's money. You could also try living in Afghanistan and Iraq (they no longer have monarchies). There is also Pakistan with Pervez Musharraf. Or maybe you would love to live in North Korea with Kim Jong Il (who controls every aspect of North Korea) yet you are not free. There is also President Bush whose citizens are constantly grumbling about him.


  26. President Gordon Brown!

    What a $hite idea

  27. If they do, do you have any idea how much of the world would be in uproar?  They may be the british royals, but countries without a royal family, like America, only see them in rose tinted glasses. Not just Diana, They are The People's Royals

  28. Yes,they should go.We have an unelected royal family and an unelected prime minister and the country is a democracy????????

  29. Yeah scrap 'em. Stick 'em in one of their many castles, open the rest up to the public, and turn Buckingham Palace into a shelter for the homeless.

  30. YES, YES, YES, if only we could, but the old diehards will say, they make millions for tourism. B##LSH#T. get rid of them.

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