
Should we scrap the royal family?

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sorry i posted the question and found more like mine lol




  1. Yes Yes Yes. Scroungers, the lot of them.Figure- Heads  we do not need. Set them up in a nice little house, sell everything that has been given to them, also the jewels. There would be enough in the kitty to build more hospitals, pay doctors wages, also jails, we seem to have a shortage of them too. Most important of all, pay the Forces the wages they deserve. Melt all the medals the two sons will get for not doing anything but dress up as soldiers.That would take care of the terrible housing conditions the soldiers wives have to put with. Better still house them in Buck Palace. Gosh I feel better after that.

  2. Maybe scrap the lesser royals and hangers on. Certainly remove them from the civil list payments , and give their money to worthwhile causes.

  3. Certainly NOT

  4. No we shouldn't.

  5. Yes without a doubt

  6. Yes, we should scrap them. Britain is supposed to be a meritocratic society these days aferall . Supposedly, anyone can rise on merit and hard work. Be what they want to be. Why then, is the only way to become the head of state of the United Kingdom, to be born a member of the House of Windsor?

    It's unbelievable that this country prides itself on apparently bringing democracy to the world, yet we maintain a monarchy and a feudal system of titles. I'm sorry, but it should all be abolished. Being born to the right person should not automatically confer status money and power.

    We Britons need to ditch our deference, our nostalgia for Empire, our ridiculous following of the Royal Family like they are part of a soap opera and simply get rid of the Windsors once and for all.

  7. No

  8. Its not just the third one more like the hundred and third one ,Why would we want to do that ,its what makes us one of the unique places in  the world ,Its what lures tourists to our shores .I reckon the Queen is a marvellous ambassador for our country .

  9. i read about this like hour ago i think we need them isnt the u.k based and talked about because of the royal family?

  10. no, the royal family represents us when the government fails to do so, they are ambassadors for the british people and are representative of our heritage. also, they only cost the average taxpayer 63p a year. not exactly a backbreaker.

  11. No. Republican rule was tried with Cromwell and son and it FAILED.

    Why is this question being asked ad nauseum this morning? This question has been asked several times in the last 30 minutes.

  12. No we should not and it whether or not we keep our Royal Family has nothing whatsoever to do with the UN...

    B.E.C. this question is being asked because of this article regarding the UN saying we should have a referendum on whether or not to keep the Royal Family...

  13. The Queen is the head of my country and should always stay so.

  14. yes and heres why    

        The ‘Royal Family’ cost this country millions and millions of pounds a year,

    not just in hand-outs but also in resources and manpower to meet their

    every desire

            Over £36m was paid out to the Queen alone in 2004

            The Queen & Prince Charles have received over £1m in farm subsidies

    in the last 2 years

            Millions of taxpayers’ money is spent on trips abroad, days out servants,

    the army & police to protect them

    What does the Monarchy actually do?

       Look down in contempt on you and me

       Reluctantly pay minimal taxes

       Shake the odd hand and wave & look after themselves

    Why get rid of them?

            This country could save countless millions a year that could be better

    spent on our children’s needs

            It’s not democratic, how in 2005 can a family have such privilege,

    just by accident of birth?

       We are citizens not subjects

       They perpetuate outdated values of elitism

       We just don’t need them!

  15. I personally love the Royal Family, The Queen only costs each British person 67p a year.

    Without the Royal Family, The Royal Air Force would no longer be royal, The Royal navy would have to change,

    The Royal Mail, (did you know the British stamp with the Queens head on is the only stamp in the world that doesnt need to have the countries name written on it as everyone recognises Queen Elizabeths Head)

    The Australians would have to rename thier postal service, thier air force, thier navy.

    The commonwealth will be abolished.

    No a monarchy has always been, is and will always be part of the British culture and should stay that way.

    Im proud to be living under a monarchy and still enjoy more rights and freedoms then people living in America (Land of the free?)

    Republics fail often

  16. Oh yours is the 3rd Question.  No I am a royalist.

  17. Here we go again.

    NO -

    1 The Queen is an ambassador for the state and carries out a lot of overseas work.

    2 The Queen is the head of the Church of England - without her it would fall apart into the bizarely Muslim orientated Archbishop of Canterbury

    3 The Royals are a last gleam of hope amongst the failing British culture, which is being clouded over by everything else.

    4 They only cost each of us 64p!

  18. OMG im soo sad ... im heartbroken to think they are even thinking about questioning if we want to get rid of our royal family...they are the face of this country, the world thinks of england then automatically thinks of the royal family, they are a massive tourism-drive to visit here..and i would feel somewhat "stolen from" if OUR Queen is taken from us...republics are boring, our queen doesnt "take-over" and "rule-over us" anyway, we make our own decisions..its just to look back over our history they have allways been so very, very important, i love the queen and all the family...i would leave britain if we "abolished" her...a little part of "being british" would be torn away from my would be utterly devestating, add me on Yahoo Messenger to discuss the royal family with me for a more "deeper" mind of how i feel about them..i cant describe it in a yahoo answers very well,

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