
Should we send all the regular 43 Nascar starters to Louisianna !!?

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The government can't stop the hurricane so maybe the vortex created by the cars could steer the hurricane away.

Just trying to lighten the mood. GOD BLESS OUR FRIENDS IN THE GULF OF MEXICO




  1. If I thought for a second it would actually work, I'd be all for it.

    My heart goes out to any and all of you down there. Keep safe!!

  2. Me too.  This particular hurricane is bad business.  When it's over I wouldn't be surprised if it were almost as bad as katrina.  

    I have family in Sarasota.  No one can get a hold of them (naturally) so it's a sit and wait just like there.  

  3. I think Obama is going to come to the Gulf Coast, raise his hands over his head and with his supreme powers he will make the hurricane turn around, go back into the Gulf and disipate.

    Then he will single handedly build new levees.

    Either that or something involving Chuck Norris farting toward the beach and blowing up the storm with atomic gas!

  4. hey why not? not like the Government has any better ideas.

    It would be nice if the drivers sent their race winnings to the area.  help rebuild the schools and communites that are still in ruins.

  5. i wish we could do something to stear that beast of a storm away from those pour people. i cant imagine how frustrated i would be to have the luck to be slammed by massive hurricane's twice in 3 years. its a horrible situation and i wish all the people in its path good luck.

  6. I suppose that's one way to do it. I hope your home's going to be alright david g-24.

  7. If they couldn't stop the hurricane, the drivers could use their driving skills to wheel busloads of people away from the coast, easing the number of traffic jams.

  8. I wish some one could do some thing because I will be gone tomorrow and hope I have a house left when I get back, but since I live in southeast Louisiana thats doubtfull.

  9. Since I am from Florida I feel their pain.My heart goes out to them.

    New Orleans should have remained closed from last time. Never build a city in a fish bowl. Especially in hurricane alley.

  10. maybe next time people evacuate that swamp basin, they'll realize that the forces of Mother Nature will always claim what is hers

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