
Should we separate ourselves from philosophy?

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Should we separate ourselves from philosophy?




  1. You can't even if you tried.  Your whole existence is based on it.  Who said: " I think, therefor I am!" ?


  2. It can't be done.  All our thinking, our way of being and our way of behaving is all based on philosophy.

  3. That's like a really phillisophical question. Ask me again when I'm stoned.

  4. Yes, we should gamble everything.

    I hope you're noting the sarcasm cuz I'm laying it on pretty thick.

  5. We is too vast....I is simplicity. I cannot separate myself from philosophy....perhaps another can. Any sentient being, examining itself for any reason is steeped within the basic mechanics of philosophy.

  6. Separation from the many is a precondition for the practice of philosophy. There is no question as to its legitimacy except on behalf of, or directly from, the many. There is no "we" participating in philosophy. However, there are those who expend great effort (Yaoi-Rand) in the attempt to make philosophy the handmaiden of the many.

  7. Most, have no say in the matter.  Their intellectual capacity insures that they will be intertwined in the historical aspects of philosophy even if they don't understand what this quite means.

    The few who could...separate...wouldn't dare...

  8. Lets look at this from a different angle. Philosophy means 'love of wisdom'. So what you are asking is "Should we separate ourselves from wisdom"? Does that answer your question?

  9. That is an impossiblity. The moment you are born, your hard-wired (but untested) faculty of epistemology goes to work, trying to identify all the new sights and sounds. At first the identifications are just emotional, such as "Happiness comes from that person" or maybe "This person is soft" and "This person is hard" (woman and man.)

    As soon as your mind begins to identify things as "happy" or "sad" or "hungry", soft, hard, noisy, funny, good tasting, etc, you are identifying metaphysical existents. Without those identifications, your mind would not work.

    Ethics is simply knowing right from wrong, though the formal study of it goes much deeper, as does the formal study of epistemological processes and metaphysical existents.

    So you can't get away from philosophy unless you are in a coma or dead.

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