
Should we settle for being happy or seek perfection?

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whats your idea of perfection if you believe such a thing exists in both looks and personality. Also do u think people should accept the flaws in their partners or try and change them.




  1. Happiness is attainable.  Perfection, not so much.

  2. perfection?

    perfection is the state of fully arriving at and maintaining your moral



    beauty is relative to the one looking

    you are ugly to me but beautiful to someone else

    metaphorically of course


    is regarding my original statement.

    only you can say if you are perfect

    as only you can decide what is moraly right and wrong

    now flaws.

    only they can accept flaws that are theirs.

    if you dont like a certain behavior then ask that it be stopped

    otherwise you must ignore it or move to the next person  

  3. Happiness is perfection.

  4. i dont think perfection exist

    you accept your flaws and be who you are

    not drive for something you cant be

    an accept partners flaws never try to change someone

  5. Happiness rules.

  6. we always think we can change another but truth be told we cannot,

    my idea of perfection is like out of story and legend so we have to

    accept others the way they are. fine . I agree. but for how long is the

    real Q.

  7. Finding the right balance between striving for more happiness and enjoying what you already have is a means of seeking happiness in itself.

  8. there is no such thing as "perfect" nothing is ever going to be enough, we as humans will only want more.

    i think i would want something that is satisfaction. and yes there are some flaws we should accept and some that do need to change.

    change like abuse

    accept things like talking too much.

  9. i think wanting  "poerfection" in ure significant other is built up by the abscense of the oppsite gender parent. u build up a perfect man, than u forget that all of them, us, have flaws....God made each n everyone of us a mate that will last us forever, its up to us to decide who is right for us. what God joins in his name, none can ever break

  10. I dont think there is such a thing as perfection.

    As far as fixing flaws in your partner, sometimes the flaw is something they want to fix as well whether it be in their personality or in their looks so in that case some in encourge and support towards them is great.

    If they dont want to change it then you shouldnt force it. You should be with somebody because you love them not because they are great but would be better if they changed this or that.

  11. i don't think perfection exists. and people should accept the flaws because everyone has them. :]

    answer mine?;...

  12. I don't think absolute perfection can ever be achieved, but if we strive for it we can at least be pretty darn good.

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