
Should we sit back and take the rubbish the top three parties say or say No we have had it

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Try to find another party to vote for and join to make a better UK




  1. Just say no!! Every single one of us should vote for the Independent candidate at the next election. No party, eg UKIP, has enough money to put up enough candidates to challenge the main two party's domination of the votes. If we all vote independent this will break once and for all their stranglehold over government. There may be a period of uncertainty once the big players have been booted out but by h**l will we have scored a massive goal for Democracy, our only "voice" is at the ballot box. As we have seen time and time again the big two are basically one and the same, so long as either of them is in charge they actually don't care which one of them it is. Different horse, same race, neither of them listen to the electorate, once in power they do what the h**l they like with us. This may be our last chance for a very long time to actually turn things around. Make a stand, vote for your independent candidate, whoever he/she is, that is our only hope to let NuLabour and their bedfellow Conservatives know that we as a nation have had more than enough.  .  

  2. There is one place in the Country which did just that!

    They kicked out their Labour MP because they felt he had let them down over the hospital downgrading and elected a retired hospital Consultant as an Independent Member of Parliament representing the new local Party which they called "Health Concern"

    It is still known in Westminster as "The Kidderminster Effect" !  

  3. Such as?

  4. It's supposed to be a 'free' country and you can vote for any one you like. for £150 you can stand for election yourself.

  5. No!We should not sit back and take it!We should not just stand back and let these MPs rob us blind as they dip their hands into the expenses trough!

    What we need is honesty,and good will from any prospective MP!Instead of this money grabbing,honour seeking bunch we have at the moment!

    All MPs should have their bank accounts made available for public scrutiny to prove they are above reproach!To prove once and for all!Just where do they get their money from?

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