
Should we stand up against this rule?

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A new rule has imposed by the governments in our region, saying that people who watch online p**n are going to get remand.

Still this law exist as a white paper and discussions going on.

What the heck>>>???# Are they mad?

Have you ever heard of any rule like this?

I am not a big online p**n fan even though I watch them a little. But I know there are lots of addictors...




  1. I don't agree with that at all, however I do think they should do something about the people who use the internet to find people who are willing to meet for discreat, meaningless s*x. that's discusting.

  2. Yeah, you should. Make sure the argument stays about principles, not about p**n. Don't let yourself be painted as a p**n supporter; you're opposed to repression, not in favor of p**n.

    The idea is that this law establishes a precedent - the power to make repressive laws that criminalize harmless private individual behavior (they can't prove that consuming p**n is always harmful in every instance it is viewed, so that is beside the argument). If p**n addiction even is a demonstrable social problem, the law should go after the *purveyors* of p**n, NOT the consumers. Busting people for watching p**n is not *materially* different than busting them for looking at art work; you can't prove harm done for each instance of p**n viewing. Regulating those who make p**n available to the masses is a lot more supportable, because it's a lot more possible to show that there is a possibility of *overall* harm done. It's still repressive, but it's a lot less significant a power grab compared to criminalizing p**n viewers.

  3. Sounds like another Big Brother law. I'm against such laws.

  4. Rio: Yeah i'm with you on that, but it obviously is not child p**n, since a remand would be redundant, considering the laws already in place against child p**n.

    This is bullcrap, i dont watch much p**n(sometimes with my girlfriend for fun) but this is a violation of freedom.

    p**n is harmless(as long as its not child p**n or rape/incest style p**n), and most medical professionals say masturbation is a healthy way of relieving stress, and can even help prevent prostate cancer in men.

    Seriously, this Puritan type White Christian ideals are such c**p.

  5. I would only support this if they were talking about child p**n.

  6. people should have the right to watch what they wanna watch so long as its in the privacy of their own home and out of view of minors.  

  7. I would definitely not support this, even though I am not a fan myself.

    Child p**n, bestiality and anything involving actual (real life) acts of non-consensual s*x or violence should definitely be outlawed, but otherwise surely it's up to adult people to make their own decisions.

    Which country is this, btw?

    Cheers :-)

  8. I have a real problem with the government acting as the moral police. If she's 18 or older and doing it of her free will, who gives a c**p...

    Edit: Megan, it's called freedom (age and consent considered, obviously). There are other places in the world without it, you're welcome to any of them...

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