
Should we stop teaching abstinence only programs in public schools? ?

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Should we stop teaching abstinence only programs in public schools? ?




  1. Yes, because they don't work.  While I think abstinence should be included in any program as the only 100% certain method of preventing pregnancy and STDs, to block information about other birth control methods is foolish.  Adolescents in practically every society in history have had premarital s*x - refusing them information about safe s*x simply means that you're sacrificing their safety in order to prevent a handful of other students from having any s*x at all.

  2. from the union of concerned scientists:

    "The American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Public Health Association, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists all support comprehensive s*x education programs that encourage abstinence while also providing adolescents with information on how to protect themselves against sexually transmitted diseases.3 In fact, a recent systematic analysis of pregnancy prevention strategies for adolescents found that, far from reducing unwanted pregnancies, abstinence programs actually "may increase pregnancies in partners of male participants."4"

  3. Abstinence education does work but only when backed up by good parenting.


    Teachers can't instill values in kids, only parents can do that.

    2nd Edit:

    Did you know you can still catch herpes, syphilis, HPV and others with a condom?

  4. Frankly I think we should stop teaching s*x ed in public schools. It's a waste of time. Shouldn't our schools be educating the students in "worthwhile" subjects. Human Reproduction should be a 1 week segment in Biology class and not a 1/2 semester waste of time.

    No wonder kids in the US score so poorly in the math and sciences compared to the rest of the world.

  5. If we feel it is necessary to teach anything about s*x, a well rounded discussion should include birth control

    ask Bristol

    abstinance only doesn't always work !!

  6. I think we should go back to throwing them out of school when they get knocked up.  it's a good lesson for them to learn.

  7. Yes.

    "just say no" does not work.

    Ask Nancy Reagan.

  8. No. All should be taught.

    Teenage pregnancy is a problem, yes, and it seems like so far no program has really helped. We still have a nation full of teen pregnancies no matter what anyone teaches or says. Maybe the only way to remedy would be to segregate boys from girls until the age of 20.

  9. kind of an oxymoron wouldn't you say when the schools give out condoms and other forms of birth control.   i would suggest that you have forgotten the condom queen that was clinton's surgeon general

    mr  doodles

  10. Abstinence only programs in our modern world are just plain foolishness of the worst kind. They do not work, and thousands upon thousands of teenage pregnancies prove it.

  11. Yes, it's perfectly expected that it would be included but limiting educators to that is just plain dumb.

  12. Abstinence prevents STD's.

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