
Should we take our 4 month old to a wedding?

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Debating whether or not to take our baby to a wedding. It's a pretty formal affair with family that lives close but they haven't seen the baby lately. One of the main reasons we are thinking against it is because we wont be home until late..past our baby's bed time. What do you think. If we decide to leave the baby at home she will be with the grandparents.




  1. i personally would just leave the baby home alone. first  of all, youll get a  nice little break and second if it was your wedding would you want someones baby crying in the middle of it?  

  2. youre better off leaving it at home, your family can come and see the baby another time. it is the day for the bride, a baby isnt always a good idea at a wedding.

  3. i would leave him home because bed time is very strict at that age and he could start crying.

    answer my question plz;...

  4. I would take the baby. but we are a baby-loving family, they are welcome at every function. and Im sure he will fall asleep in the car on the way home.

  5. Enjoy a fun night out alone! Leave baby with Grammy!

    Have fun!

  6. Casey, leave the baby with grandma, then you'll be able to have more fun.

  7. leave the babe at HOME! a wedding is another woman's (or couple's, if you want to be politically correct) special day. you and your cutie patootie will steal the show. plus if your baby starts crying or throwing up or any other baby-type things, it will be frustrating for everyone. plus, take a night off with your husband and drink and eat and socialize with adults.  

  8. It really depends on your baby.  Is she normally pretty content?  Can she fall asleep easily on your lap?

  9. I would take a picture, and not the baby.  I wouldn't want a baby crying during my vows, and it's not like you can tell a baby not to cry.  

  10. Was the baby invited?  Make sure that the baby's name was on the invitation, and/or that the marrying couple specifically asked you to bring  him/her.  Only invited guests may attend weddings, even if they are only four months old.

    I think you would have more fun if you left the baby with the grandparents.  If they are willing to do this, it's a great opportunity for you to have a night out.

    If the baby was invited, and you decide to bring him/her, remember that you must take the baby outside as soon as s/he starts making too much noise.  Leave swiftly and silently.  At the reception, if dance music is being played, a little noise can be tolerated, but you must not keep a noisy baby in the room during the ceremony.

  11. leave the baby at home and have a good time.  she'll be in good hands.  bring pictures to the wedding.

  12. I think it all depends on your baby and also will there be other babies or kids there? I took my daughter to a wedding when she was 1 but i asked my friend if it was ok with her and we sat at the back close to the door just in case we had to make a fast exit but she's an angel  she is one of those kids you take anywhere and she wont embarrass you. I do think it would be fine to leave the baby at home.

  13. I'd leave her home.  Sure, it would be nice for people to see her, but they are unpredictable.  You don't want to disrupt the wedding.  Is it possible to take her to the wedding, but not the reception.  I think the reception should definately be a no, but maybe on the wedding.  And if you did take her, just sit in the last row for a quick exit!  

  14. dont take him/her , the baby might get lost..and is terribaly hard to find especially at a place like that.... I would recommend leaving the baby at a grandpa/siblings house and or a babysitter:) ive experienceed bad things like extreme crying with my baby..and it wanst pretty..:S

  15. You could bring baby and leave early.

  16. Ironically, our son was four months old when we were invited to a wedding.  We decided to leave him with my parents.

    The wedding is about the happy couple, and I'm sure your little one is as cute as the dickens- you wouldn't want her stealing the show.

    I'd go without her if I were you.

  17. A 4 mo. baby may be fine for the wedding ceremony (provided you are prepared to step outside if the baby cries.)

    I don't see any way your little one would be comfortable at a formal reception....loud noises, strange relatives touching, holding her, no sleep, how about feedings, too.

    If you do not have time to take her to the grandparents before the reception, she is better off at home.

    Also, it's a night out.  When was the last time you did that.  If baby stays with grands, you will all have a good night.

  18. The baby wouldn't enjoy the wedding, so it'll probably make sure you have the same experience.

  19. Well, I had to take my 4 month old to a funeral this past Tuesday and my baby did great. I was soooo afraid she would start yelling and getting fussy during the sermon, but she did surprisingly well. Just be prepared with EVERYTHING you need. If you formula feed have bottles prepped and ready, and all the other goodies.

  20. Why not, I would. but its really up to you as the parents.

  21. I would leave the kid, being a wedding dj, I have learned that kids especially those little one do not like loud music.  It hurts their ears. Being a formal affair just adds that kids will be frowned up on. and if your baby is on a schedule keep them on the schedule, and let the baby stay home, and enjoy yourself.  

  22. i went to a wedding the other day and my friend had her two week old baby. i thought that was way to young. four months is iffy. i probably would, but its all up to you.  

  23. your 4 month old has a bed time?

  24. I would take a 4 month old to a wedding, but maybe not the reception if you are planning to stay late.  If the baby sleeps well, I suppose he/she could sleep in a car seat, if you really wanted to be with her or him.  Since you have an option and you want to have a night out with your spouse, that may be better.

  25. lol! by the time my son was 4 months he had been to 4 weddings!.. newborns almost always steal the brides thunder!!

  26. A formal affair; I think I would leave the baby with grandma and grandpa.  Let the bride and groom would have their day and you could set a different day to introduce your baby to the family.

  27. if it cries alot not to the church,... to the reception yes

  28. Go to the wedding, but don't stay real late.  You will find that having children changes your ways in all different kinds of situations.  Just wait till u have to leave in the middle of a dinner out because of an unhappy baby!

  29. I wouldn't bring the baby.  Many weddings are a "no children invited" kind of affair, and you shouldn't even bring the baby unless she was specifically invited.  Also, it is better to leave the baby home so you can enjoy yourselves at the wedding rather than be concerned about feedings, diapers, spit-up on your dress, etc.  :)

  30. Unless the couple invited your baby, leave it with the grandparents for the night.

  31. I wouldn't, especially if it's a formal affair. If the family wants to see the baby, arrange for a party the day after the wedding. This about the bride, not your baby.

    Also, a baby around 4-5 months probably won't be very happy to sit quitely during the service. If she were taken to the wedding, she would be passed around from person to person. Sometimes that can be more frigthening than staying a night with grandma and grandpa.

    I think you really should leave her home and enjoy a night out for a change! Even if you're out late, it's fine. She'll be okay.

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